Paul Desmarteaux

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Paul Desmarteaux (born June 23, 1905 in Montreal , † January 19, 1974 there ) was a Canadian actor.

The son of actor and singer Alexandre Desmarteaux made his debut as an actor at the Théâtre Stella with the Troupe Barry - Duquesne after working as an usher, technician, lighting technician and set designer, and performed alongside Olivier Guimond (father) and Olivier Guimond (son ) , Mimi d'Estée and Henry Deyglun , Claude Blanchard , Léo Rivest , Manda Parent , Gilles Latulippe , Jean Grimaldi and Rose Ouellette .

Since the 1950s he has also worked in films, for example as father Gagnon in Jean-Yves Bigra 's La petite Aurore l'enfant martyre with Lucie Mitchell and Yvonne Laflamme . From 1956 to 1970 he played the Curé Labelle in the television series Les belles histoires des pays d'en haut .
