Paul Ficker

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Paul Ficker (born before 1913 - died after 1950) was a German elementary school teacher and pedagogue in the Saxon teacher training at the TH Dresden during the Weimar Republic .

Paul Ficker was a teacher in Zittau , Stollberg / Erzgeb. and at the Zschopau teachers' seminar under Richard Seyfert . From 1926 at the latest, he taught as a lecturer in German, religion and history at the Pedagogical Institute of the TH Dresden. As a result of his collaboration with the reform pedagogue Otto Scheibner , he published a fundamental work on working lessons in 1930 , which has also been translated into Turkish and Serbian. In November 1933 he signed the German professors' confession of Adolf Hitler . In 1950 he published a work on German didactics in elementary schools.


  • Freedom: Basic lines of work lessons for the subject group history, religion and the like German. With e. Introduction by Otto Scheibner , Leipzig: Source u. Meyer, 1926
  • Didactics of the new school: an overall presentation of work-class technology , Osterwieck-Harz: AW Zickfeldt, 1930 (Serbian translation 1937; Turkish translation 1940 etc.)
  • The German lesson in elementary school according to modern pedagogical, psychological and linguistic aspects , Bonn: Dürr, 1950
  • Reviews in the journal for pedagogical psychology and experimental pedagogy , 1913-19


  • Knut Engeler: History Lessons and Reform Education: A Study of the Practice of History Lessons in Higher Schools in the Weimar Republic , Berlin: LIT, 2009