Paul Fredi de Quervain

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Paul Fredi de Quervain (born November 2, 1926 in Frankfurt am Main , † June 10, 1992 in Bergen , Norway ) was a psychoanalyst .

De Quervain was a son of the theologian Alfred de Quervain . He studied medicine and worked for the Psychological Association in Bern . In 1952 he made his "drama in three acts and a prologue" Afterwards out. Another publication is psychoanalysis and dialectical theology: on the understanding of Freud in K. Barth , E. Thurneysen and P. Ricoeur (1977). His best-known work Psychoanalysis and Dialectical Theology (1978) has been translated into French.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wolf, E .: Wolf Family Chronicle . Wolf Press Associates, 2000 ( - page 110).
  2. Wolfgang Lienemann, Frank Mathwig: Swiss ethicist in the 20th century: the contribution of theological thinkers. Theological Verlag, Zurich 2005, ISBN 3-290-17370-4 , p. 108.
  3. Wolfgang Schildmann: Karl Barth's dreams: on the hidden psychodynamics of his work. Theological Verlag, Zurich 2006, ISBN 3-290-17353-4 , pp. 9, 10 and 222.