Paul Heath

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Paul Heide (born October 3, 1879 in Hohenstein or Ernstthal , † April 9, 1973 in Windeck ) was a German politician and trade unionist.

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Heide completed an apprenticeship as a weaver and joined the SPD in 1899 . In Dresden he earned his living as a tram conductor, but was dismissed in 1912 for social democratic activities. From 1912 to 1925 he was the warehouse keeper of the consumer association in Stolpen .

During the First World War he reached the rank of NCO and was awarded the Iron Cross. Heide joined the USPD in 1918, but switched back to the SPD in 1922. From 1918 to 1925 he was a city councilor in Stolpen and deputy mayor. In 1930 he was elected to the Saxon Landtag in the Dresden-Bautzen constituency, to which he belonged until the Nazis came to power . He was arrested in March 1933. Fled from prison in 1936, he emigrated to Czechoslovakia and finally to Great Britain . There Heide joined the parliamentary group around Karl Höltermann . After the end of the Second World War he returned to Germany.
