Paul Heal

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Paul Heile (* December 25, 1884 ; † 1958 ) was a German politician ( FDP ) and director of the Hamburg World Economic Archives (HWWA).

Life and work

Heile was the son of a veterinarian in Emden. After attending grammar school in Emden, he studied law at the universities in Rostock and Berlin from 1905 . From its founding from 1916 to 1923 and 1926/27 he was chief editor of the economic journal Wirtschaftsdienst and later library director of the Hamburg World Economic Archive . In April 1933 he was ousted from office by the National Socialists. During the National Socialist era , Heile belonged to Group Q (later Free Hamburg ) of a liberal resistance group around Friedrich Ablass , which had contact with the Robinsohn-Strassmann group through Walter Jacobsen . From October 1946 to August 1948 he was acting director of the Hamburg World Economic Archives and after a few days he had the archives released by the British occupying forces, so that public use of the library was possible again in December 1946. His attempt to become full director of the HWWA failed; the advisory board named Clodwig Kapferer as director instead . At the end of the 1940s he was involved in the committee of former political prisoners and its successor, the association of those persecuted by the Nazi regime . In addition, he became the first chairman of the press agency founded in 1949 , an institution that insures journalists and people from the communications and media industry.

Heile was the younger brother of the first chairman of the FDP in the British occupation zone Wilhelm Heile .


In 1945, Heile was one of the founding members of the Free Democrats Party , which later became the Hamburg FDP regional association. In March 1946 , he and Hans Sommerhäuser from Girardet-Verlag received the license for the newspaper Hamburger Freie Presse , the party newspaper of the PFD, from the British occupation forces . From 1946 to 1949 he was a member of the first freely elected Hamburg citizenship after the war. He no longer tried to get a new mandate.


  • Reference book of the reference works for economic practice , Hamburg 1925.
  • The fate of the German people. Why politics? Why party? Why Free Democrats Party? , Hamburg 1946.

Individual evidence

  1. See the entries for Paul Heile's matriculations in the Rostock matriculation portal : first and second matriculation
  2. Helmut Leveknecht, 90 years HWWA. From the central office of the Hamburg Colonial Institute to the HWWA Foundation. a chronicle , Hamburg 1998, p. 25.
  3. Christof Brauers, The FDP in Hamburg 1945 to 1953. Start as a bourgeois Left Party , Munich 2007, p. 103
  4. Leveknecht, p. 36.
  5. Leveknecht, p. 37.
  6. Brauers, p. 237.
  7. Brauers, p. 178.
  8. Brauers, p. 139.
  9. Brauers, p. 189.