Paul Kainbacher

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Paul Kainbacher (* 1964 in Graz ) is an Austrian geographer and antiquarian .


Paul Kainbacher's parents Siegrun and Paul Kainbacher ran a car dealership in Köflach from 1964. The father Paul Kainbacher also published philatelic specialist publications. Paul Kainbacher has 3 siblings.

Kainbacher studied geography, economics, history and social studies at the University of Vienna . In 1992 he obtained his master's degree , in 1996 he was promoted to Dr. rer. nat. PhD. In addition, he worked as an AHS teacher in Vienna from 1993 .

In 1998 he founded an antiquarian bookshop for geography, travel and ethnology in Baden near Vienna . He publishes 3 to 4 catalogs in the year and participates in antiquarian fairs in Vienna, Stuttgart, Berlin, London, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Hong Kong.

The Bibliophile Salon , which has been in existence since 2014, takes place three times a year in the antiquarian bookshop . Here collectors, scientists and interested parties come together on specific topics relating to the geographic history of exploration of Africa, the South Seas and other areas. In addition to specialist lectures by scientists and experts, Paul Kainbacher will present original reports and books.

Paul Kainbacher's research area is literature on the exploration of Africa , Asia, the polar countries and the Pacific.


  • British colonial rule in Egypt and its effects on today's state. Diploma thesis University of Vienna 1992.
  • Tourism in Namibia and its development opportunities . Dissertation University of Vienna 1995.
  • Kora. Geographical reports from Namibia; cumbersome [cumbersome] and actual description of the desert country of Namibia as well as a geographical treatise as it looks today [nowadays] according to its situation and characteristics, about nature and its own inhabitants; Done [done] by the geographer Paul Kainbacher in 1993, 1994 and 1995 . Kainbacher, Baden 1996.
  • Africa. Geographical and historical reports 1991–1997 . Kainbacher, Baden 1997.
  • Exploring Africa. The Africa Literature on Geography and Travel 1486–1945 . Kainbacher, Baden 1998-1999; 3rd expanded and corrected edition 2002; 4th revised and expanded edition 2016, ISBN 978-3-9501302-9-4 .
  • Ed .: Collection of travel descriptions to Africa by Austrian explorers , Kainbacher, Baden 2001ff.
  • Alexander Brandt: Austrian researchers and travelers in Africa before 1945. A biography and bibliography from A-Z . Kainbacher, Baden 2006. 2nd edition 2010, ISBN 3-9501302-7-6 ( digitized ).
  • Catalog XII (NF) : Rapa Nui, Easter Island, Easter Island. With contributions from guest authors: Kätze, Jasper: Literary sources on Easter Island: 1728-1965. A selective overview. Mückler, Hermann : “Easter Island” - The Forgotten Book by the Easter Island Explorer Walter Knoche. Mückler, Hermann : Walter Knoche's Oeuvre on Easter Island. A cursory foray in to the publications by the leader of the Chilean Easter Island Expedition of 1911. von Kainbacher Rare Books 2017. ISBN 978-3-9504451-0-7
  • Catalog XIII (NF) : Expeditions to Unknown Areas. Chapter 1: Siberia and Arctic, Caucasus and Inner Asia. Chapter 2: Islands and Seas, the South Seas and More. With contributions from guest authors: Prof. Dr. Hermann Mückler: Russia's ambitions in the North Pacific and its view of the South Seas. Ralf Eigl: The bread tree in the mirror of travel literature of the 18th century. A bio-bibliographical treatise. Antiquariat Kainbacher. ISBN 978-3-9504451-1-4
  • Catalog XIV (NF) : The Challenger Expedition. The most important scientific circuit navigation. A collection of printed works, manuscripts, logs & artifacts. Antiquariat Kainbacher. ISBN 978-3-9504451-2-1
  • Catalog XV (NF): Africa. Travel reports, expeditions and ethnology. Antiquariat Kainbacher. ISBN 978-3-9504451-3-8
  • Catalog XVI (NF): From the Arctic to the Tropics. Expeditions and trips. Rare books.
  • Catalog XVII:  The Summit of Kilimanjaro. Africa - expeditions and trips. Hans Meyer, Oscar Baumann, Julius Wilhelm, a. a. Original letters, manuscripts and the original "summit of Kilimanjaro"
  • Catalog XVIII:  Whaling and Piracy Logbooks This exceptional collection of original logbooks from whaling ships from the mid of the 19th century paints a comprehensive picture of the whaling's glory history. During their years and years of journeys on the seven seas, the captains meticulously noted their catch, described the hunting grounds, the wind flow and the currents, dangerous passages on the oceans and problems on their journeys. They depicted life on board of the ships, extraordinary occurrences and the places they headed for. These ship's logs, written - in English, of course - by whalers, mostly from Nantucket and New Bedford bring back memories of Melville's "Moby Dick".
  • Catalog XIX: Ernst Haeckel. Original preparations from radiolarians and the Challenger expedition. Catalog contents: 1. Ernst Haeckel's biography, 2. Preparation number 1 by Ernst Haeckel. 1850 3. Original preparations of radiolarians from the Challenger expedition 4. Complete series of scientific publications from the Challenger expedition in 50 volumes 5. Publications by Ernst Haeckel
  • Catalog XX : Travels
  • Catalog XXI: Oskar Lenz - German-Austrian Africa researcher and namesake for the Sooss anteater

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