Paul Klimsa

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Paul Klimsa (born August 26, 1955 - † October 7, 2018 ) was a German communication scientist .


After studying in Katowice and Berlin, Klimsa initially worked as a research assistant at the TU Berlin , where he received his doctorate in 1993 on the subject of new media and further education: application and use in learning processes in further education . He then moved to the University of Applied Sciences in Leipzig , where he taught the subject of technical communication and documentation . In the following year he was appointed to the professorship for multimedia tools at the HTW Dresden . In 2000 he moved to the TU Ilmenau , where he took over the professorship for communication studies at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies. He held this until his death. In his research he mainly dealt with media production. He was the editor of a specialist journal on the subject.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Obituary for Prof. Dr. Paul Klimsa , obituary of the Communication Science Department at TU Ilmenau, accessed on November 1, 2018.
  2. ^ Obituary , in: Thüringer Allgemeine from October 20, 2018.