Paul Rühe

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Paul Rühe (born September 1, 1877 in Landsberg / Warthe ; † April 21, 1947 in Hamburg ) was a German administrative lawyer and president of the state tax office in Münster.


Paul Rühe studied after high school law and, after passing the legal state judge at the District and Regional Court II in Berlin. Before moving to tax administration in 1907, he was a land registry judge at the Guben District Court and a member of the criminal chamber at the Berlin Regional Court. At the provincial tax office in Kassel, Rühe was initially employed as a research assistant and on December 1, 1908, he joined the chief customs office in Königsberg in the same function. Two years later he got a job at the Wroclaw General Customs Directorate. Promoted to government councilor on May 4, 1911 , in 1915 he became a research assistant in Department IV of the Reich Office of the Interior . In October 1916, Rühe became Imperial Privy Government Councilor and lecturer in the Reich Office and in October 1919 Ministerial Director in the Reich Ministry of Finance . In 1921, he took over the management of the customs and consumption taxes department at the Brandenburg State Tax Office. His appointment as President of the State Tax Office in Münster fell on September 1, 1934. He remained in this position until he was appointed Chief Finance President of Westphalia on April 1, 1937. On July 1, 1942, Paul Rühe retired at his own request.


  • Joachim Lilla : Senior administrative officials and functionaries in Westphalia and Lippe (1918-1945 / 46). Biographisches Handbuch, Münster, Aschendorff Verlag, 2004, p. 256, ISBN 978-3-402-06799-4 .

Web links

  • Paul Rühe Short biography on the Internet portal "Westphalian History"