Paul Racle

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Paul Racle (born July 11, 1932 in Zurich , died April 1, 2019 in Windisch ) was a Swiss visual artist and painter .


Paul Racle's work can be assigned to surrealism . In addition, influences of Fantastic Realism and the Vienna School of Fantastic Realism can be seen . In addition to his painterly work, he also creates graphics and sculptures . In comparison to other surrealists of the 1920s such as Salvador Dalí and Yves Tanguy , in Paul Racle's work from the mid-1960s, in addition to dreams and visions, the focus is on the merging of the creaturally organic with the technical and mechanical - a topic for which HR Giger also focuses is known.

Paul Racle was married to the artist Barbara Racle-Favé. Their daughter, Jacqueline Racle Buehler, is also an artist. From 1963 until her death in 2005 he was in a relationship with Lisa Maurer. Racle lived and worked in Bellikon for a long time .

Grand Canal

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary, Aargauer Zeitung, April 4, 2019
  2. Racle, Paul. In: Sikart (as of: 2018), accessed on January 5, 2019.
  3. Eddy Schambron: «Don't sell the pictures away ». In: Aargauer Zeitung . January 19, 2008 (archived at the Bellikon Museum Association; PDF; 27 kB), accessed on January 5, 2019.
  4. Racle-Fave, Barbara. In: Sikart (as of: 2018), accessed on January 5, 2019.