Paul Reichert

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Paul Reichert (born August 10, 1902 in Dömitz ; † November 20, 1978 in Hamburg ) was a DDP and CDU politician as well as a member of the state parliament.


Paul Reichert attended the community school in Dömitz until 1914 and then the secondary school in Rostock . 1919 to 1921 completed a commercial apprenticeship in Hamburg and then worked as a commercial clerk. At the same time he had enrolled for a degree in economics at Hamburg University . In 1923 Reichert returned to Dömitz, where he became an employee, and from 1937 also a co-owner of a shipping company. From 1939 to 1944 he was conscripted for duty in the chemical factory in Dömitz, from February he was called up for the armed forces. After the end of the war, Reichert headed the Dömitz branch of the Inland Shipping Working Group.

Paul Reichert had joined the youth organization of the DDP during his apprenticeship and studies in Hamburg. At times he was a member of the board of directors of the Reich Federation of Democratic Youth Associations and the Academic Federation, the organization of republican students in Hamburg. After his return, Reichert became chairman of the DDP local group in Dömitz and a member of the party's state executive committee. As a staunch Republican, Reichert headed the local Reichsbanner and the union federation of employees. During the Nazi era, he maintained contact with resistance groups of former democrats and social democrats.

In 1945 Paul Reichert founded a local CDU group, which he chaired. The CDU represented Reichert in the city council, in the district council and, after the state elections in the Soviet Zone in 1946, also in the state parliament . In 1946 he was elected to the state executive. From January 15, 1948 he worked in the Ministry of Agriculture as head of the water management department. By 1949 at the latest, the SED had included Paul Reichert among the opposition forces, after he had sharply criticized the one-sided personnel policy, discrimination against the CDU, class struggle tendencies in the judiciary and the overorganization of the cooperative system in the state parliament. As part of the SED's campaign against CDU economics minister Siegfried Witte , workers' protests were also staged against Reichert. Reichert resigned his mandate and immediately fled to the Federal Republic, whereupon the GDR CDU expelled him for fleeing the GDR .


  • Klaus Schwabe: State election in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in 1946. Booklet accompanying the exhibition in the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania state parliament from August 28 to October 20, 1996 . Schwerin 1996
  • Christian Schwießelmann: The CDU in Mecklenburg and Western Pomerania 1945 to 1952. From the foundation to the dissolution of the regional association. A representation of party history . Droste, Düsseldorf 2010, ISBN 978-3-7700-1909-0 , ( research and sources on contemporary history 58).
  • Martin Broszat , Hermann Weber (Ed.): SBZ manual. State administrations, parties, social organizations and their executives in the Soviet zone of occupation in Germany 1945 - 1949 . 2nd Edition. Oldenbourg, Munich 1993, ISBN 3-486-55262-7 , pp. 123, 536.

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