Paul Reiwald

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Paul Reiwald (born May 26, 1895 in Berlin , † August 11, 1951 in Basel ) was a German lawyer and criminologist .


Reiwald was in 1919 at the University of Berlin to Dr. jur. PhD. After studying law , philosophy and psychology , he initially worked as a criminal defense lawyer, but then became a lecturer in criminal psychology at Berlin University. He stood in the tradition of those criminal psychologists who explained penalties and criminal offenses psychoanalytically. After 1933, his books were no longer allowed to be distributed or published. Reiwald emigrated to Brussels in 1933, where he taught at the Institut des hautes études de Belgique . From 1939 he lived in Switzerland , where he was a lecturer in mass psychology at the University of Geneva until 1949 .

As part of the criminological reform efforts of the 1960s and 1970s, Tilmann Moser and Herbert Jäger re-published Reiwald's main work, The Society and its Criminals . However, a psychoanalytic criminology could not establish itself.

Fonts (selection)

  • Conquering Peace. Psychological foundations of the new society (1944 - new edition 1968).
  • From the Spirit of the Masses (1946).
  • Society and its criminals (1948 - abridged new edition 1970).
  • I threatened that. Psychological guide through the turmoil of our time (1951).


  • Martin Killias : Reiwald, Paul In: Wilhelm Bernsdorf, Horst Knospe (Hrsg.): Internationales Soziologenlexikon. Volume 1: Articles on sociologists who died by the end of 1969. 2nd revised edition. Enke, Stuttgart 1980, p. 349 f.
  • Klemens Wittebur: The German Sociology in Exile. 1933-1945 , Münster; Hamburg: Lit., 1991 (dissertation from 1989), p. 90 f.
  • Leon Wurmser: An Appreciation of Paul Reiwald, Dr. Jur. In: British Journal of Criminology 1962, p. 176 f.

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