Paul Sérusier

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Paul Sérusier, around 1890

Paul Sérusier (born November 9, 1864 in Paris , † October 7, 1927 in Morlaix , Finistère ) was a French painter. As a student of Paul Gauguin , he founded the symbolist artist group Nabis ( Hebrew : prophets ).


After studying philosophy, Sérusier entered the Académie Julian in Paris in 1886 . In 1888 he visited Gauguin in Pont-Aven . From this encounter he brought back a small picture, Bois d'amour near Pont Aven , which he had painted on the lid of a cigar box , which was to have a programmatic character for the artist group Schule von Pont-Aven .

He later taught at the Académie Ranson . In 1921 he published the book ABC of Painting .

Picture gallery


  • Claire Freches-Thory / Ursula Perucchi-Petri (ed.): The Nabis: Prophets of Modernity . New edition, Prestel, Munich 1998, ISBN 3-7913-1969-8

Web links

Commons : Paul Sérusier  - collection of images, videos and audio files