Paul von Maur

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Grave in the Stuttgart forest cemetery

The von Maur family was a German entrepreneurial family.

It was originally located in the 14th century at Hofgut Maur in the Strohgäu .

Already Johannes v. Maur founded a haulage company in 1769, which Johann Heinrich v. Maur expanded further. Paul v. Maur Sr. (* 1836 in Stuttgart; † 1903 in Stuttgart) founded a forwarding company in 1863 , which his sons Paul junior. and Carl continued with great success. Twice a year they transported furniture and household effects from Stuttgart to Bebenhausen Castle for King Wilhelm II of Württemberg and in 1890 they were given the title of “Royal Württemberg Court Forwarder”.

At times the company owned 300 of its own draft horses and a stud in Weilimdorf . In the spring of 1897 the first Daimler truck ever was made by the forwarding company Paul v. Maur acquired. An etching by Reinhold Nägele called Stuttgart, Paul v. Maur from 1932 still shows horse-drawn carts.

With up to 500 employees, Eitel v. Maur, Günther v. Maur and Dr. Hans-Günther v. Maur continued her fathers business. In 1982 the company became the property of the state of Baden-Württemberg and later the Heilbronn salt works. Today the Paul v. Maur GmbH in private hands, co-founder and member of the worldwide Unigroup-UTS moving cooperation and active in international art transport under the D'ART label.

The family grave v. Maur is in the Pragfriedhof in Stuttgart.

Paul v. Maur jun. and Eitel v. Maur are buried in the forest cemetery in Stuttgart .


  • Spedition Paul von Maur, one hundred years of Paul v. Maur. The rise of a family business along with a brief history of transport , 1963
  • Patrick Robertson: What was the first time and when? , 1974
  • Zeitschrift für Württembergische Landesgeschichte, 1965, excerpts online at, last accessed on December 2, 2012.