Paule Hammer

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Paule Hammer (* 1975 in Leipzig ) is a visual artist who lives in Leipzig. He is one of the younger generation of painters of the New Leipzig School .


Hammer was born in Leipzig and grew up in Suhl . In 1997 he began to study painting / graphics at the University for Graphics and Book Art in Leipzig in the specialist class of Sighard Gille , which he graduated with a diploma in 2002. From 2002 to 2004 he was a master student with Sighard Gille.

Since 2010, in addition to his artistic work, he has been a lecturer for drawing and nature studies in the book art / graphic design department at the University of Graphic and Book Art in Leipzig .



The pictures and works are mostly arranged in extensive and often large-scale installations. In addition to painting and installation, his work also involves a complex examination of language and music. His work is based in particular on the extensive handwritten notes he has made for years. With the font, which is always present in the work, Hammer has been significantly expanding the narrative space of his works for over ten years, increasing the complexity.

From 2006 to 2013 he worked with the artist Sebastian Gögel in the artist group HAGEL. Large-format installations, textile and paper works were created.

In 2007 he received a working grant from the Kunstfonds Bonn Foundation , in 2010 a working grant from the Art Fund of the Free State of Saxony, in 2013 project funding from the Kunstfonds Bonn Foundation and in the same year project funding from the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony . Also in 2013, he received a six-week work grant in New York.


To complement his artistic work, Hammer is an active musician. He is a member of the band Ich-AG Geige, which was founded by Thomas Janitzky, Daniel Mudra, Marcus Psurek and Paule Hammer. The band had numerous appearances at festivals and in the gallery for contemporary art in Leipzig.


Since 2004 he has presented his works at numerous exhibitions, including at the Union Gallery London , the Chung King Project Los Angeles (2007), Frankfurter Kunstverein (2009), the Philara Düsseldorf Collection (2009), Museum Abtei Liesborn (2013), Kunstverein Göttingen (2013), Hygiene Museum Dresden (2015 and 2016), Galerie König 2 (Vienna, 2018) and a solo exhibition in 2019 at the Museum of Fine Arts in Leipzig .

His German galleries Feldbusch, Wiesner, Rudolph and Laden fuer Nothing devote regular solo and group exhibitions to Paule Hammer.

Paule Hammer is prominent in museums such as B. the Museum Kunstpalast (Düsseldorf - permanent exhibition) or in the Museum of Fine Arts (Leipzig - permanent exhibition) and numerous national and international private collections.


  • Paule Hammer. Baroque encounters . Kerber, 2013, ISBN 978-3-86678-869-5
  • Mark Gisbourne, Hans-Werner Schmidt (ed.): Paule Hammer - Works from the SØR Rusche Collection Oelde / Berlin. Kerber, 2013, ISBN 978-3-86678-869-5 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Paule Hammer , Galerie Feldbusch Wiesner Rudolph, accessed on November 29, 2019
  2. Paule Hammer at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig , accessed on November 29, 2019
  3. Paule Hammer. Magazine and encyclopedia , Städtische Museen Jena, accessed on November 29, 2019
  4. HAIL (Paule Hammer / Sebastian Gögel): Nightmare Express. Lubok, Leipzig 2010, ISBN 978-3-941601-37-6