Paulo Henriques Britto

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Paulo Henriques Britto

Paulo Henriques Britto (born December 12, 1951 in Rio de Janeiro ) is a Brazilian teacher, translator and poet .

In 1972 he temporarily studied film at the San Francisco Art Institute in the United States. In 1973 he began to study linguistics in Rio de Janeiro. Britto worked early on with translations and translated works into Portuguese by Lord Byron , Wallace Stevens , Elizabeth Bishop , Thomas Pynchon , Raymond Williams and others. a. From the Portuguese he translated a. a. Flora sweet child . He is one of the most famous translators in Brazil and teaches literature, literary translation and creative writing at the Pontificia Universidade Católica (PUC-Rio) in Rio de Janeiro.

Britto only writes four to six poems a year. In 1982 he published his first volume of poetry, Liturgia da matéria ( Liturgy of Matter , 1982). Later followed Mínima lírica ( Kleinste Lyrik , 1989), Trovar claro ( In Klarheit dichten , 1997) and the band Macau (2003), for which he received the Prêmio Portugal Telecom de Literatura Brasileira in 2004 . Macau, the former Portuguese colony in China, stands for the art and well-being of Britto. By Macau , he became a cult writer in Brazil. His poems show the closeness to the group Geração Mimeógrafo (Generation Mimeography) , which was created after Tropicalismo and is similar to the Beat Generation .

After more than thirty years of work, he published his first volume of short stories, Paraísos artificiais ( Artificial Paradises , 2004) and in 2007 another volume of poetry, Tarde .

Britto lives in Rio de Janeiro.


None of his works has yet been translated into German.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Elizabeth Bishop: Poemas do Brasil. Companhia das Letras, São Paulo 1999.
  2. ^ Raymond Williams: O campo ea cidade na historia e na literatura. Companhia de Bolso, São Paulo 2011, ISBN 978-85-359-1796-3 .
  3. a b c Paulo Henriques Britto. International Literature Festival, Biography, 2006. Retrieved June 4, 2017.