Paulo Teixeira

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Paulo Teixeira (born September 14, 1962 in Lorenço Marques, today Maputo , Mozambique ) is considered one of the most important Portuguese-speaking poets of his generation .


Teixeira studied geography and regional planning at the New University of Lisbon . Twelve volumes of poetry have been published since 1985 and have been translated into over 10 languages. For the volume “Inventário e Despedida” (1991; t: Inventory and Farewell), he received the Poetry Prize of the Portuguese PEN Club , the “Grand Inapa Prize” and the “Prémio Eça de Queiroz” of the city of Lisbon. Individual poems have appeared in German in anthologies and most recently in the journal Language in the Technical Age ( 2007 ) edited by Norbert Miller and Joachim Sartorius . Teixeira has published the literary magazine »Relâmpago« (»Blitz«) since 1997 and is a board member of the  » Luis Miguel Nava « foundation , which awards a literary prize every year . Teixeira represented Portugal as part of the “literaturexpress 2000” project of the Berlin Literature Workshop , in which a hundred writers from all European countries took the train across Europe from Lisbon to Moscow and back to Berlin. In 2005 he received a scholarship from the DAAD's Berlin artist program . Reading trips take Teixeira again and again across Europe.

Work (selection)

  • Invenatario e Despedida (Inventory and Farewell), 1991, poetry.
  • Arte da Memoria, (Art of Memory), 1992, poetry.
  • O rapto da Europa (The Abduction of Europe), 1993, poetry.
  • Tumulo de herois antiga (Tomb of Ancient Heroes), 1999, poetry.
  • Orle-Poesia, (Circle Poetry), 2005, poetry.
  • Autobiografia Cautelar - Temporary autobiography, poetry, translated by Niki Graça, Elfenbein Verlag, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-932245-95-4 .
