Lunch break

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As break bread , southern Germany also Vesper , Austria snack bread , one is a snack called to take the school children in school or working professionals in the workplace as a second breakfast and consisting of bread with cheese, sausage or other for eating out of hand appropriate Is occupied.

Recommendations from nutritionists

Together with breakfast , the lunch break should cover a third of a child's daily energy needs. The renouncement of the lunch break, but also unhealthy products as a break bread substitute and pseudo break bread are made partly responsible for concentration disorders and a decline in the ability to learn.

A balanced snack ensures a temporarily high blood sugar level , which is necessary for maximum brain performance . That is why nutrition experts recommend the lunch break made from whole grain bread, rye or whole wheat bread, topped with cheese or fruit spread. In addition to this component, also known as bread and butter , the snack has other important ingredients such as drinks (fruit juice, herbal or fruit tea, mineral water, milk), fresh muesli, quark and fruit.

On the other hand, sweet pastries or other sweets such as chocolate bars are not advised, as these increase the blood sugar level significantly in the short term, but are associated with a rapidly falling level, which in turn leads to concentration problems. The same applies to simple white bread , which is why the classic sandwich is not a full-fledged substitute for lunch. However, nutrition experts recommend making the bread and butter more attractive in the style of a sandwich with lettuce, peppers or tomatoes.

It is criticized that in the often common practice of break sales, which is primarily aimed at children and young people who do not get a break from home, the range is dominated by sweets and lemonades, as these can be stored more easily than wholemeal or baked goods fresh fruit. The less work and time required to provide sweets compared to sandwiches for breaks is one reason why schools often offer unhealthy snacks. Therefore the schools share responsibility for the healthy nutrition of the students.


Many Swiss bakeries offer a Pausenbrötli called bread from whole wheat flour with nuts and raisins (similar cereal rolls).

The artist group Rattelschneck created a humorous memorial for the lunch break with its cartoon series Stulli, and the break sandwich . Stulli's vain effort to be consumed alludes to the difficulties many schoolchildren have with lunch.

Unused sandwiches that are brought back home to be eaten in the evening are called rabbit bread in some areas .

See also

Wiktionary: Pausenbrot  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. ISSGesund - The Journal for Healthy Eating : Delicious Jausenbrote . ( [accessed on November 27, 2016]).
  2. Breakfast and lunch. It's easier to learn that way . Report from Stiftung Warentest from August 28, 2003
  3. Breaking bread promotes concentration and the ability to learn . In: Berliner Morgenpost , January 21, 2006
  4. The lunch break . ( Memento of the original from July 13, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. In: AOK: Young family from A – Z. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. ^ Ministry of Food and Rural Areas Baden-Württemberg: The healthy lunch break . In: Information service of the Agriculture Administration of Baden-Württemberg, LEL-Wö 6/05.
  6. What is rabbit bread & where does the term come from? In: Retrieved February 13, 2020 .