Paweł Kowalewski

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Paweł Kowalewski (2011)

Paweł Kowalewski (born September 20, 1958 in Warsaw ) is a Polish artist, installation artist, educator and entrepreneur.


From 1978 to 1983 he studied at the Faculty of Painting at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts , where he received a diploma with distinction in Stefan Gierowski's studio . Since 1985 he has been a lecturer at the Faculty of Design of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw . He currently holds the academic title of Professor of the Academy. He was the founder of the Gruppa, the most famous Polish art formation of the 1980s, which he created together with Ryszard Grzyb, Jarosław Modzelewski, Włodzimierz Pawlak, Marek Sobczyk and Ryszard Woźniak. The group's activities can be described as a rebellion against academicism and avant-garde attitudes in the arts, as well as a protest against censorship and oppression by the communist authorities during martial law , which was introduced across Poland in 1981.

Kowalewski found the reality of this difficult moment in the times of the People's Republic of Poland absurd and grotesque. 1984–1989, Kowalewski wrote ridiculous texts under the pseudonym of the imaginary American journalist Sharm Yarn as part of Gruppa's ephemeral "Oj dobrze już" ( Oh, okay ) magazine, in which poems, statements, commentaries, sketches and drawings were published. In this way he wanted to show the uncertainty of Polish art criticism, point out the omission of the uniqueness of the phenomena that took place in Poland at the time and mock attempts to determine the direction of culture according to top-down political paradigms.

"Mon Cheri Bolscheviq", 1984, oil on canvas, 100 × 81 cm, in the collection of the Starak Family Foundation


Kowalewski's creative attitude is derived from the post-conceptual tradition, whose ideas the artist woven into his realizations in the form of verbal comments and extensive, poetic titles of works that are placed on material sashboards. Together with the members of the group he organized radical actions of common painting and on the basis of the poetics of absurdity, e.g. B. in the cult studio of the dean at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (e.g. a recital in 1987 with the title Cool Stag in the jam about Lenin in Poronin). Kowalewski's art can be described as expressive, autobiographical, drawing on his personal experience and literary context. The artist shaped his own way of expression. The message was more important to him than form or medium.

In Poland in the 1980s there was a characteristic intersection of social and artistic processes carried out by artists as explorers of local reality, a review of moral and philosophical values. The work of Kowalewski and the Gruppa emerged in parallel and perhaps even earlier than some tendencies in German art, such as the Neue Wilde . Rebellion and the search for identity determined the attitudes of the creators of both countries.

The concept of personal art

In the first years of his artistic career, Kowalewski developed the concept of personal art, that is, private art . His inspirations were strongly linked to the artist's life, but also pointed to the problems that place the viewer in a universal context. This fundamental oscillation between the experience of singularity and universality accompanies Kowalewski's work to this day and determines its constant character.

"Oh you hairy paw", 1982, oil on canvas, 80 × 100 cm

Kowalewski's first sculptural works were created around 1986. Small objects that the artist locked away like relics in glass cabinets. The right ear of the servant of the highest priest, or stone turned into bread, was a critical commentary on the hostile aesthetic of everyday life. In an equally sharp, expressive, casual tone, Kowalewski created his paintings, which even encountered censorship interventions by the church. The artist's activity in the 1980s was treated by the authorities of a totalitarian state as an art that escaped official circulation. The series Psalms , which was inspired by the Psalms of David in the translation by Czesław Miłosz , was subjectively accused of blasphemy.

A special highlight of this time was participation in Documenta 8 in Kassel in 1987, where the works of Barbara Kruger and Joseph Beuys were presented. At that time, Kowalewski and the group organized a joint painting with a large-format canvas called Kuda Gierman .

After numerous exhibitions at home and abroad, Kowalewski's selected works later became icons of the art of the 80s, e. B. Mon cheri Bolsheviq (a painting shown in the exhibition in Moscow's Tretyakov Gallery , among others ), the sculpture Tragic Opacity of Necessity (a hermetically sealed aquarium with a piece of beef liver submerged in water) or Goodbye my loved ones ( a painting that was included in the collection of the renowned art critic Anda Rottenberg ).

Breakthrough time

The borderline moment in Kowalewski's work was in 1989 when the artist and members of the group initiated a joint painting campaign in front of the Warsaw Solidarity polling station in Warsaw. The realization of the project Voice of Nature for Solidarity symbolically crowned her group career. In the 1980s, artists began as beginners and ended their work as classics of the last decade. Thanks to her numerous achievements in the field of art, a large cross-sectional exhibition was organized in 1992 in the Zachęta National Art Gallery, summarizing the work of the group.

The systemic transformation and the end of the group's existence influenced Kowalewski's work through changes in the means of expression. In the early 1990s he began creating analytical and structural canvases. In his paintings from this period, the artist juxtaposed 19th century wallpaper patterns with black and white stripes - a sarcastic vision of the future. After the presentation of his latest series Fin de siècle in the Warsaw Gallery Annex in 1992, Paweł Kowalewski was accepted into the stable of Isy Brachot's French gallery, as the only Pole after Roman Opałka . His works were shown in the Brachot Gallery in Brussels, at the same time as a retrospective of the greatest Belgian fame, the surrealist Paul Delvaux .

Paweł Kowalewski, "Europeans Only", 2012, lightbox, 150 × 200 × 12 cm, exhibition in the NS Documentation Center in Munich

With the cycle Fin de siècle Kowalewski ended his work with the medium of painting and from then on performed works of an interdisciplinary and performative character. It was then that the artist's most important and socially committed works were created.

On display at the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg, the inscription Only Europeans initiated the Verboten / NOT PERMITTED series in 2010 , which documents the prohibitions and orders recorded during the artist's travels around the world. Reproductions of the series NOT PERMITTED in the form of postcards were released on the occasion of Kowalewski's performative activities during the Venice Biennale 2011. The artist visited stands with souvenirs and added his postcards with guidelines from democratic and totalitarian systems to tourist postcards.

The project NOT PERMITTED also functioned as a light box series for the installation Simulator of Totalitarianism in the Propaganda Gallery 2012. In this technical machine built by the artist, the worlds of oppression and the drastic images of crimes from totalitarian times were confronted with scenes of a happy, normal life. The viewer who entered the stimulator became a participant in tragic events because his photo, taken in front of the entrance to the booth, was randomly placed on projection frames.

The materials used in the manufacture of the stimulator of totalitarianism , the smell of rubber, smelly tar, blackout and isolation, put visitors in situations of oppression, allowing them to view their reactions and behavior while simulating a state of emergency in solitude could test.

"Trust the Lord and do good, so shalt thou dwell in the land feed on His faithfulness", from the series Psalms , 1984, tempera on paper, 243 × 195 cm

New beginning

The 2000s in Kowalewski's work are a turn to the ethos of remembering and the personal process of forgetting and erasing. In 2015 the artist presented the series Power and Beauty in Tel Aviv , in which he dealt with the question of subjective memory in the context of collective experience. The concept arose from a very personal story of the artist and became a pretext to tell the story of an extraordinary generation of women. A series of large-format, disappeared portraits showed the so-called Polish mothers , who were marked by the trauma of war and totalitarianism. Thanks to a special printing technique, the portraits of women became barely visible over time, just as their pictures are blurred in our memory. While working on the cycle Power and Beauty , Kowalewski conducted an artistic dialogue with the renowned Israeli artist Dan Reisinger. In 2017, Paweł Kowalewski had his solo exhibition at the Jerke Museum - the first foreign institution in Germany that is mainly devoted to Polish avant-garde art. The Zeitgeist project consisted of sculptures and the most important paintings of the 80s, including I was shot by Indians . As part of the exhibition in the Peterskirche in Recklinghausen , large-format works by Kowalski, d. H. presented the Psalms of David, which still have a universal character. They raise questions that shape the individual's autonomy vis-à-vis higher forces. He also plays in the film "Power of Art" made by the Jerke Museum and the Film School in Łódź.

Collections and exhibitions

Paweł Kowalewski's works can be found in the largest Polish museums and in many domestic and foreign private collections. His works were purchased for the collection: the National Museum in Warsaw , the National Museum in Krakow , Zachęta - National Art Gallery , Jerke Museum, District Museum in Bydgoszcz, Upper Silesian Museum in Bytom, Collection of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and ING Polish Art Foundation, Benetton Foundation, Starak Family Foundation, Egit Foundation.

Paweł Kowalewski's works have been shown in the Jerke Museum in Germany, in the Künstlerhaus in Tel Aviv, in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, in the Isy Brachot Gallery in Brussels, in the Dorotheum in Vienna, in Sotheby's in London, the NS Documentation Center (Munich) , Exhibited in Zachęta - National Gallery of Art in Warsaw, in the Museum of Photography History in Krakow, in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow , in the Propaganda Gallery in Warsaw (formerly Appendix) and at art fairs in Vienna, Brussels and Stockholm.

The artist also took part in important cross-sectional exhibitions summarizing the time of Polish transformation and Poland's political relations before and after 1989, e.g. B. Banana Revolution, Moscow - Warsaw, irreligion, home in art.

In 1991 he founded the independent advertising agency Communication Unlimited. In the agency he works u. a. for the campaign Drink Milk! This is how you grow up . Communication Unlimited is a member of the Association of Advertising Agencies, the Association of Advertising Consultants and the International Advertising Organization IAA. Since 2009, Kowalewski has been Vice President of the World Board of IAA.

Individual exhibitions

  • 2019 - All life is art , Przestrzeń dla Sztuki S2, Warsaw
  • 2017 - Why there is nothing and nothing else. , Miejski Ośrodek Sztuki, Landsberg, Poland
  • 2017 - Zeitgeist , Museum Jerke, Recklinghausen, Germany
  • 2017 - Power and Beauty, Muzeum Historii Fotografii, Krakow, Poland
  • 2016 - NOT ALLOWED! , Galeria Gazety Wyborczej, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2016 - These things today , propaganda, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2015 - Power and Beauty , Artists' House, Tel Aviv, Israel
  • 2013 - Simulator of totalitarianism , MCSW “Elektrownia” , Radom, Poland
  • 2012 - Simulator of totalitarianism , propaganda, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2010 - NOT ALLOWED! , 2nd Mediations Biennale, Poznan, Poland
  • 2008 - I was shot by Indians for the second time , Galeria Appendix2, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1993 - Stockholm Art Fair, Stockholm, Sweden
  • 1993 - Brussels Art Fair, Brussels, Belgium
  • 1992 - painting, Biuro Wystaw Artystycznych, Sandomir, Poland
  • 1992 - Isy Brachot Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
  • 1991 - Fin de siècle , Galeria Appendix, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1991 - Pictures and ready made , Ośrodek Kultury Polskiej, Prague, Czech Republic
  • 1990 - Galerie Ariadne, Vienna, Austria
  • 1990 - Everything and Immediately, SARP Pavilion, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1989 - Galeria Pawła Sosnowskiego, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1987 - Teatr Mandala, Krakow, Poland
  • 1987 - STK, Łódź
  • 1987 - Recital , Pracownia Dziekanka, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1986 - Satanstag , Galeria na Ostrowie, Wroclaw, Poland
  • 1984 - Crazy Hammer , Pracownia Dziekanka, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1984 - Wrong sign , Mała Galeria ZPAF, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1984 - Wehe , Pracownia AM Sobczyków, Warsaw, Poland
Paweł Kowalewski, "We live in motion, we rest in death", 1991, oil on canvas, 180 × 131 cm

Group exhibitions

  • 2019 - Tell me about yesterday tomorrow, NS Documentation Center (Munich) , Germany
  • 2019 - The spirit of nature and other fairy tales. 20 years ING Polish Art Foundation, Silesian Museum, Katowice
  • 2019 - Antimony , Józef Brandt Palace, Center for Polish Sculpture, Orońsko
  • 2019 - World War II - Drama, Icon, Trauma , Modern Art Museum, Krakow, Poland
  • 2019 - Tropenwahn , Propaganda Gallery, Warsaw Gallery Weekend, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2019 - My name is red , Państwowa Galeria Sztuki, Sopot, Poland
  • 2019 - New Figuration - New Expression , DESA Unicum, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2019 - Time , Gdańska Galeria Miejska, Gdańsk, Poland
  • 2019 - Magmatism Pic-Nic , Chiesa dei Santi Cosma e Damiano, Venice, Italy
  • 2019 - Collections , Zachęta - Narodowa Galeria Sztuki and Centrum Rzeźby Polskiej w Orońsku, Narodowe Forum Muzyki, Wroclaw, Poland
  • 2018 - artist location , Galeria Kordegarda Narodowego Centrum Kultury, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2018 - Home in Art, MOCAK- Muzem Sztuki Współczesnej, Krakow, Poland
  • 2017 - Artistic Dean. Phenomenon of Independent Culture 1972–1998 in Krakowskie Przedmieście in Warsaw , Galeria Salon Akademii, Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2016 - Collections , Zachęta - Narodowa Galeria Sztuki, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2016 - à la Flamande , Propaganda, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2016 - Viennacontemporary, Marx-Halle, Vienna, Austria
  • 2014 - Between the Seasons , Propaganda, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2013 - Small is big , propaganda, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2013 - Blue the most beautiful color in the world , Propaganda, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2012 - PEACE '80 - Political Protest? Artistic competition. Exhibition of independent art created by artists whose artistic debut took place in 1980-89, Muzeum Okręgowe, Reichshof, Poland
  • 2012 - Occasional exhibition , BWA Galeria Sztuki, Holstein, Poland
  • 2011 - Preview , Propaganda, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2011 - Occasional Exhibition , Propaganda, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2011 - THYMOS. The Art of Anger 1900–2011 , CSW Znaki Czasu, Torun, Poland
  • 2011 - Games for Big Boys , Galeria Appendix2, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2010 - PEACE '80. Independent founding of young people in the years 1980–1989 , Muzeum Narodowe, Cracow, Poland
  • 2010 - eighteenth. The battle that changed the fate of the world ., Plac Defilad, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2009 - Like a Rolling Stone 2 , Galeria Appendix2, Warsaw Poland
  • 2009 - Like a Rolling Stone , Centrum Rzeźby Polskiej, Orońsko, Poland
  • 2009 - Banana Republic. Expressions from the 1980s. , MODEM Centrum Sztuki Nowoczesnej i Współczesnej, Debrecen, Hungary
  • 2009 - Banana Republic. Expressions from the 1980s. , Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej, Opole, Poland
  • 2008 - Banana Republic. Expressions from the 1980s. , Galeria Sztuki BWA - Zamek Książ, Waldenburg, Poland
  • 2008 - Banana Republic. Expressions from the 1980s., Galeria Miejska Arsenał, Poznan, Poland
  • 2008 - Banana Republic. Expressions from the 1980s ., Muzeum Sztuki Współczesnej, Szczecin, Poland
  • 2008 - Banana Republic. Expressions from the 1980s. , Galeria Sztuki Wozownia, Torun, Poland
  • 2008 - Banana Republic. Expressions from the 1980s. , CSW “Łaźnia”, Gdansk, Poland
  • 2007 - Poisoned source. Contemporary Polish art in a post-romantic landscape , Łotewskie Narodowe Muzeum Sztuki, Riga, Latvia
  • 2007 - Poisoned source. Contemporary Polish art in a post-romantic landscape , Muzeum Narodowe, Szczecin, Poland
  • 2007 - Picture of Life , Muzeum Początków Państwa Polskiego, Gniezno, Poland
  • 2007 - Joke and Judgment (Asteism in Poland) , Galeria Miejska Arsenał, Poznan, Poland
  • 2007 - wit and judgment (asteism in Poland) , CSW Zamek Ujazdowski, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2006 - In Poland, where ?, CSW Zamek Ujazdowski, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2004 - duty and rebellion. Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw 1994-2004 , Zachęta - Narodowa Galeria Sztuki, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2004 - Warsaw - Moscow / Moscow - Warsaw 1900–2000 , Galeria Tretiakowska, Moscow, Russia
  • 2004 - Warsaw - Moscow / Moscow - Warsaw 1900–2000 , Zachęta - Narodowa Galeria Sztuki, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2002 - Children, Artists, Whores and Business People, Galeria Program, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2002 - Irreligion , Atelier 340 Muzeum, Brussels, Belgium
  • 2001 - Race of Red People , Galeria Zderzak, Krakow, Poland
  • 2000 - Polonia Polonia , Zachęta - Narodowa Galeria Sztuki, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1993 - Artistic Confrontations , Ratusz Staromiejski, Toruń, Poland
  • 1991 - What an artist in the unfortunate time , Muzeum Narodowe, Krakow, Poland
  • 1991 - For what an artist in unfortunate times , Zachęta - Narodowa Galeria Sztuki, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1991 - Sketch for a contemporary art gallery Muzeum Narodowe, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1991 - Polish Chic , Zachęta - Narodowa Galeria Sztuki, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1990 - Art of the 20th Century from Central and Eastern Europe , Dorotheum, Vienna, Austria
  • 1990 - Summer Lounge , Muzeum Narodowe, Krakow, Poland
  • 1990 - Artist for the Republic of Poland , Galeria Studio, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1989 - Pole. German. Russian , Dawne Zakłady Norblina, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1989 - Feelings , Galeria Dziekanka, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1989 - In picture and parable. New religious expression , Dawne Zakłady Norblina, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1988 - Bruno Schulz , Pawilon SARP, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1987 - What's wrong? , Dawne Zakłady Norblina, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1987 - II Youth Biennial "Way and Truth" , Św. Krzyża Church, Wroclaw, Poland
  • 1987 - The Mystery of the Suffering, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ , Muzeum Archidiecezji Warszawskiej, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1986 - Community certificate, Muzeum Archidiecezji Warszawskiej, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1986 - Polish Pieta , churches in Poznan and Wroclaw, Poland
  • 1986 - Phrases from the 1980s. , BWA, Sopot, Poland
  • 1986 - Records 2 , BWA, Lublin, Poland
  • 1985 - I Biennale for New Art , Grünberg, Poland
  • 1985 - Time of Sadness, Time of Hope , Matki Boskiej Bolesnej Church, Poznan, Poland
  • 1985 - I Biennale for New Art , Św. Krzyża Church, Wroclaw, Poland
  • 1985 - Presence , Miłosierdzia Bożego Parish, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1985 - Against evil, against violence , churches in Mistrzejowice, Podkowa Leśna and Zielonka, Poland
  • 1985 - Invoice , Galeria Forma, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1984 - Chaos, Man, Absolut, Nawiedzenia Najświętszej Marii Panny Church, Warsaw, Poland

Group exhibitions

  • 2017 - Gruppa - The Myth of Solidarity , galeria ESTA, Gliwice, Poland
  • 2013 - Oh, it's okay , Propaganda, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2012 - The Faith Healer and his five colleagues, galeria Milano, Warsaw, Poland
  • 2002- We admit guilt, please forgive, we promise improvement., Galeria Program, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1992 - Gruppa 1982–1991 , Zachęta - Narodowa Galeria Sztuki, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1991- Group - 6 good mistakes , Galeria Dziekanka, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1989 - Woyzeck. (Why do we need kennels? Kennels we have at home) , Teatr Studyjny, Lodz, Poland
  • 1989 - Manhattan dungeons, the art of other media. Exhibition installation, Lochy Manhattanu, Lodz, Poland
  • 1988 - Gruppa - Documents , Galeria Pokaz, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1988 - Ars aura prior , Galeria DESA “Stary Rynek”, Poznan, Poland
  • 1988 - Chair of Painting , Galeria Dziekanka, Warsaw (V Aktion), Poland
  • 1988 - Make it harder for animals to spit out objects that have been put in their mouths. , Galeria DESA “Nowy Świat”, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1988 - Artist in the Temple of Words on Art , Galeria na Ostrowie, Wroclaw, Poland
  • 1988 - On-site drawing , Galeria Obraz, Poznan, Poland
  • 1987 - Kuda Gierman, group art works, Kassel, Germany
  • 1987 - Avanguardia polacca. Esposizione dell'arte indipendente polacca , Centro Direzionale Colleoni, Agrate Brianza, Italy
  • 1987 - Gruppa Gruppen , Galeria Atrium, Stockholm, Sweden
  • 1986 - A naughty young man sings, a stiff virgin is crazy, Pracownia Dziekanka, Warsaw (IV Aktion), Poland
  • 1986 - Poverty, your hero is boredom that brings bad luck. , Galeria Wielka 19, Poznan, Poland
  • 1985 - Song and Dance Ensemble of the People's Republic of Poland , Pracownia Dziekanka, Warsaw (III Aktion), Poland
  • 1985 - the gold of the economy, the incense of art, the bitter myrrh of politics , Miłosierdzia Bożego parish, Warsaw
  • 1985 - The one who directs this beacon. , Galeria Wieża, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1985 - Rypajamawłoszard Grzykomopasoźniak. Contribution to the lecture vel Geh aufzenken, Pracownia Dziekanka, Warsaw (II Aktion), Poland
  • 1985 - Loving Tonight Only , BWA, Lublin, Poland
  • 1985 - How can you help Kryszkowski? , Pracownia Strych , Lodz, Poland
  • 1985 - Art of Admiration , Galeria SHS, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1985 - Breaking the seam of the mystery from a traditional painting workshop. , Pracownia Dziekanka, Warsaw (I action), Poland
  • 1984 - The woman runs away with butter , Pracownia Dziekanka, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1984 - Mother of the Prime Minister , Teatr Kameralny, Warsaw, Poland
  • 1983 - The forest, the mountain and the cloud over the mountain , BWA, Lublin, Poland
  • 1983 - The forest, the mountain and the cloud over the mountain, Pracownia Dziekanka, Warsaw, Poland

Web links

Commons : Paweł Kowalewski  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Paweł Kowalewski. In: March 22, 2019, accessed March 22, 2019 .
  2. ^ Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts. March 22, 2019, accessed March 22, 2019 .
  3. dr hab. Paweł Kowalewski, adiunkt , Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Warszawie
  4. Adam Myjak: letter of the Rector of the Academy. (PDF) October 16, 2019, accessed on March 15, 2020 (Polish).
  5. Gruppa. In: March 22, 2019, accessed March 22, 2019 .
  6. ^ Rejected heritage. Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, March 22, 2019, accessed January 1, 2011 .
  7. ^ John Tagliabue: Poland extends an official hand to rebel artists. (PDF) New York Times, March 22, 2019, accessed January 23, 1988 .
  8. Recital. In: Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw. March 22, 2019. Retrieved September 27, 1987 .
  9. Cold deer in Jam. Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, March 22, 2019, accessed on March 22, 2019 .
  10. Krzysztof Kosciuczuk: Women in the Arts: Anda Rottenberg. In: Frieze. March 22, 2019, accessed July 4, 2018 .
  11. ^ Paweł Kowalewski. (PDF) March 22, 2019, accessed September 16, 1992 .
  12. ^ Juliane Bischoff, Beatrice Hilke: Tell me about yesterday tomorrow . Munich 2019, ISBN 978-3-946041-25-2 , pp. 90 .
  13. ^ Eva Komarek: Vienna is becoming international. In: The press. March 22, 2019, accessed September 17, 2016 .
  14. Anne Kohlick: 10 Highlights of Viennacontemporary. In: monopoly. March 22, 2019, accessed September 26, 2016 .
  15. Ann Binlot: Look east: viennacontemporary brings 112 galleries to Marx Halle. In: Wallpaper. March 22, 2019, accessed September 23, 2016 .
  16. Aleksander Hudzik: Strength and Beauty. In: Newsweek. March 22, 2019, accessed May 21, 2017 .
  17. ^ Strength and Beauty. (PDF) In: Ha'aretz. March 22, 2019, accessed April 17, 2015 .
  18. Zeitgeist. In: Polish Institute. March 22, 2019, accessed October 20, 2017 .
  19. ^ Paweł Kowalewski. In: Zacheta - National Gallery of Art. March 22, 2019, accessed March 22, 2019 .
  20. ^ Paweł Kowalewski. In: ING Polish Art Foundation. March 22, 2019, accessed March 22, 2019 .
  21. ^ Paweł Kowalewski. In: Imago Mundi. March 22, 2019, accessed March 22, 2019 .
  22. ^ The Starak Family Foundation. November 10, 2019, accessed on January 13, 2020 .
  23. ^ Paweł Kowalewski. In: Propaganda. March 22, 2019, accessed March 22, 2019 .
  24. ^ Tell me about yesterday tomorrow. October 20, 2019, accessed on January 13, 2020 .
  25. Ann Binlot: Viennacontemporary leads Austria's Cultural Resurgence. In: Forbes. March 22, 2019, accessed September 29, 2016 .
  26. ^ Katarzyna Mackiewicz: All life is art. (PDF) Dom & Wnetrze, March 22, 2019, accessed on July 1, 2016 .
  27. All life is art. September 19, 2019, accessed January 13, 2020 (Polish).
  28. ^ Tell me about yesterday tomorrow. November 28, 2019, accessed January 13, 2020 .
  29. ^ Silesia Museum in Katowice. November 23, 2019, accessed on January 13, 2020 .
  30. CRP in Oronsko. November 14, 2019, accessed on January 13, 2020 .
  31. World War II - Drama, Symbol, Trauma. In: MOCAK. October 24, 2019, accessed on January 13, 2020 .
  32. Tropical Craze. September 20, 2019, accessed on January 13, 2020 .
  33. Nazywam się Czerwień. September 1, 2019, accessed January 13, 2020 (Polish).
  34. Monika Kuc: "Nowa Figuracja - Nowa Ekspresja": Dzicy w cenie. In: Rzeczypospolita. September 11, 2019, accessed January 13, 2020 (Polish).
  35. ^ City Gdansk Gallery. September 13, 2019, accessed on January 13, 2020 .
  36. Magmatism. May 9, 2019, accessed February 13, 2020 .