Pediastrum boryanum

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Pediastrum boryanum
Pediastrum boryanum

Pediastrum boryanum

without rank: Chlorophyta
without rank: Chlorophyceae
Order : Chlorococcales
Family : Hydrodictyaceae
Genre : Pediastrum
Type : Pediastrum boryanum
Scientific name
Pediastrum boryanum
( Turpin ) Meneghini

Pediastrum boryanum is a green alga from the class Chlorophyceae . Itsgapless colonies, consistingof up to 128 cells, are shaped like warty jagged wheels. The cells are up to 40 micrometers in size. The marginal cells are very variable and either end in pointed lobules or button-like processes. The cell membrane is punctured and warmed, but it can also be smooth. The very widespread species occurs in stagnant waters and rivers.

supporting documents

further reading

  • Uwe Hafemeister: On the shape of the toothed wheel Pediastrum boryanum . In: Mikrokosmos Vol. 80 (1991), p. 350

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