Pedro Aleixo

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Pedro Aleixo

Pedro Aleixo (born August 1, 1901 in São Caetano, Mariana , Minas Gerais ; † March 3, 1975 in Belo Horizonte , Minas Gerais) was a Brazilian politician who was a member of the Chamber of Deputies (Câmara dos Deputados) , Minister of Education in 1966 and between 1967 and in 1969 was Vice President.


Lawyer, Member of Parliament and Speaker of Parliament

Pedro Aleixo, son of the businessman José Caetano Aleixo and his wife Úrsula Martins Aleixo, attended the Colégio Caetano Azevedo , the Colégio Malheiros in Mariana and the Escola de Minas . He then moved to Ginásio Mineiro in Belo Horizonte in 1917 and then began studying law at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) in 1918 , which he graduated in 1922. He then worked as a lawyer and journalist and then in 1927 a member of the Judicial Council of Belo Horizonte, before he was director of the daily O Estado de Minas between 1928 and 1929 . After he was from 1932 to 1932 Secretary and President of the Advisory Board of Minas Gerais, he served briefly in 1933 as President of the Committee for the Reform of the Administration of the State.

On November 15, 1933 he became a member of the Constituent Assembly (Constituinte) and served briefly in 1933 as chairman of the Committee for the Reform of the State Administration (Comissão de Revisão Administrativa do Estado) . On May 3, 1935, he was the first member of the Chamber of Deputies (Câmara dos Deputados) for Minas Gerais , which belonged until 1937. During this time he was the founder of the Partido Progressista de Minas Gerais (PP, 1933–1937) and between 1935 and 1937 served as parliamentary group leader . He was then President of the Chamber of Deputies between May 4 and November 9, 1937. In 1938 he served as President of the Minas Gerais Legal Institute IAMG (Instituto dos Advogados de Minas Gerais) .

University professor, minister and vice-president

Pedro Aleixo (1971)

Pedro Aleixo was among the signatories of the Manifesto do Mineiros , an open letter dated October 24, 1943 from liberal intellectuals, attorneys and lawyers of Minas Gerais state on the anniversary of the victory of the 1930 revolution, which marked the end of the Estado Novo and the dictatorial regime of Getúlio Vargas demanded. In 1945 Aleixo was one of the founding members of the National Democratic Union UDN ( União Democrática Nacional ) and was President of the UDN in Minas Gerais until 1947. He was then a member of the Legislative Assembly of Minas Gerais between 1947 and 1951 and Minister of the Interior of this state from 1947 to 1950 . From 1952 to 1953 he was Professor of International Public Law at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais.

On September 19, 1955, he was again a member of the Chamber of Deputies, to which, however, he only belonged for a short time until October 4, 1955. In 1956 he took over the chair as professor of criminal law at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. He was re-elected for the UDN on February 1, 1959 as a member of the Chamber of Deputies and, after being re-elected in 1963, belonged to it until March 15, 1967. In 1960 he was president of the UDN and first chairman of the government parliamentary group in 1961 as well as leader of the opposition in the Chamber of Deputies during the presidency of João Goulart , before he was again chairman of the government parliamentary group from 1964 to 1966 during the tenure of President Humberto Castelo Branco . In the meantime, in 1963 he was a member of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs and Justice (Comissão de Constituição e Justiça) .

In the Castelo Branco cabinet , Aleixo took over the post of Minister for Education and Culture (Ministro da Educação e Cultura) from Flávio Suplicy de Lacerda on January 10, 1966 and held this office until June 30, 1966, after which Raymundo Augusto de Castro Moniz de Aragão succeeded him. On 15 March 1967 he was successor to José Maria Alkmim as deputy Artur da Costa e Silva Vice President (Vice-Presidente da República) in cabinet Costa e Silva and held this position until October 30, 1969 after which Augusto Hamann Rademaker Grünewald his Succeeded.


  • O peculato no Direito Penal brasileiro , 1956
  • Imunidades parlamentares , 1961
  • Em defesa do Congresso Nacional , 1963

Background literature

  • José Carlos Brandi Aleixo and Carlos Chagas: Pedro Aleixo, testemunhos e lições , 1976

Web links

  • Entry on the homepage of the Chamber of Deputies
  • Entry on the homepage of the Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil (CPDOC) of the Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV)
  • Entry in Rulers

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Brazil: Vice Presidents in Rulers