Cabinet Costa e Silva

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Artur da Costa e Silva was President from 1967 to 1969

The Costa e Silva cabinet was formed in Brazil on March 15, 1967 by President Artur da Costa e Silva and replaced the Castelo Branco cabinet . It was in office until August 31, 1969 and was then replaced by the Lira Tavares cabinet (Junta Governativa Provisória) .

The following persons belonged to the cabinet:

Office Official Term of office
President Artur da Costa e Silva 1967-1969
Vice President Pedro Aleixo 1967-1969
Aviation Minister Márcio de Souza Mello 1967-1969
Minister of Agriculture Ivo Arzua Pereira 1967-1969
Communications minister Carlos Furtado de Simas 1967-1969
Minister of Education Tarso de Morais Dutra 1967-1969
Minister of War Aurélio de Lira Tavares 1967-1969
Finance minister Antônio Delfim Netto 1967-1969
Minister for Industry and Trade Edmundo de Macedo Soares e Silva 1967-1969
Interior minister Afonso Augusto de Albuquerque Lima
José Costa Cavalcanti
Minister of Justice Luís Antônio da Gama e Silva 1967-1969
Naval Minister Augusto Rademaker 1967-1969
Minister for Mining and Energy José Costa Cavalcanti
Antônio Dias Leite Júnior
Minister of Planning Hélio Beltrão 1967-1969
Foreign minister José de Magalhães Pinto 1967-1969
Minister of Health Leonel Tavares Miranda de Albuquerque 1967-1969
Minister for Labor and Social Security Jarbas Passarinho 1967-1969
Transport Minister Mario Andreazza 1967-1969
Minister for Civil Affairs Rondon Pacheco 1967-1969
Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Nélson Freire Lavanére-Wanderley
Orlando hostage
Chief of the Military Cabinet Jaime Portela de Melo 1967-1969

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