Ivo Arzua Pereira

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Ivo Arzua Pereira (born April 29, 1925 in Palmeira , Paraná ; † September 9, 2012 in Curitiba , Paraná) was a Brazilian politician who was Prefect of Curitiba between 1962 and 1967 and Minister of Agriculture from 1967 to 1969.


Degree, engineer and prefect of Curitiba

Ivo Arzua Pereira, son of José da Silva Pereira and his wife Emília Arzua Pereira, attended the primary schools Jesuíno Marcondes de Oliveira e Sá in Palmeira and Barão do Rio Branco in Curitiba as well as the Ginásio Paranaense , from which today's Colégio Estadual do Paraná . He then began studying civil engineering at the Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), which he graduated with a diploma in 1948. Afterwards he worked for a short time in the Secretariat for Transport and Public Works of the State of Paraná and soon after switched to the Office for Highways of this state, before he became superintendent for the port of Paranaguá in 1953 . In 1954 he became chief engineer of the special commission for work on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the state, which in Curitiba included the Palácio Iguaçu , the seat of the state government, the Tribunal do Júri and the Avenida Cândido de Abreu . Then he was from 1956 to 1959 Managing Director of Diesel Máquinas SA and in 1960 research assistant and lecturer at the Department of Statistics, Political Economy and Finance of the Federal University of Paraná, where he in 1960 as a lecturer taught analytic geometry and numeric computation. In 1961 he took over the post of deputy director of the office for water management and electrical energy of the state of Paraná and at the same time as assessor for organization in the financial secretariat of this state.

On October 7, 1962, Arzua Pereira was elected as a candidate for an alliance of his Partido Democrata Cristão (PDC) as well as the União Democrática Nacional (UDN), the Partido Trabalhista Nacional (PTN) and the Partido Libertador (PL) to be prefect of Curitiba and thus to Mayor of the capital of Paraná. He held this office between November 15, 1962 and November 15, 1966. After the military coup of March 31, 1964, he was one of the founders of the Alliance for National Renewal ARENA (Aliança Renovadora Nacional) and was at times also a professor at the school for Specialized officers. On November 15, 1966 Erondy Silvério followed him as Prefect of Curitiba. However, he was himself appointed Prefect of Curitiba on December 1, 1966 by the governor of Paraná, Paulo Cruz Pimentel .

Minister of Agriculture, withdrawal from politics and critic of the military dictatorship

Ivo Arzua Pereira then took over the office of Minister of Agriculture (Ministro da Agricultura) in the cabinet of President Artur da Costa e Silva on March 15, 1967 . The ministerial office he held from August 31 to October 30, 1969 in the military junta, which was formed by Aurélio de Lira Tavares , Márcio de Souza Mello and Augusto Rademaker . During his tenure, the IBRA Institute for Agricultural Reforms (Instituto Brasileiro de Reforma Agrária) was merged with the National Institute for Agricultural Development INDA (Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimento Agrário) to form the National Institute for Colonization and Agricultural Reforms INCRA (Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária) . The Association for Agricultural Reforms ARA (Associação de Reforma Agrária) was also founded to promote agricultural cooperatives . On April 25, 1969, President Costa e Silva signed a law laying down the conditions for the implementation of the agrarian reform. During his tenure, problems arose in connection with coffee exports, which led to protests by producers on several occasions. After President General Emílio Garrastazu Médici took office , he left the government.

Subsequently, Arzua Pereira was Executive President CEO ( Chief Executive Officer of the telephone communications company TELEPAR (Companhia de Telecomunicações do Paraná) between 1969 and 1971 and President of the Board of Directors of the National Telephone Fund (Fundo Nacional de Telefones) . At the same time he was a member of the Higher Education Commission of the Paraná Education Council, he was director and most recently managing director of the construction company Sinoda e Borichello from 1971 to 1972. He resigned from the ARENA in June 1974. In August 1977 he defended the convening of a national constituent assembly and joined To the group of signatories of Ato Institucional n.º 5 (AI-5) on December 31 , 1977. In March 1978 he invited Lieutenant Colonel Tarcísio Nunes Ferreira to a speech at the Lions Club of Ponta Grossa , in which he called for the complete democratization of the country, which led to the officer's arrest.

In December 1978, he made statements against corruption in government areas, saying that the accused authorities should take the initiative to request an investigation. In January 1980 he reiterated his support for the convening of a constituent assembly and endorsed President João Baptista de Oliveira Figueiredo's policy of "democratic openness" , but stated that he did not intend to join any of the new parties. From 1982 to 1983 he was Superintendent and President of the Board of Directors of the Institute for Social Security and Assistance to Servants of the Paraná State (Instituto de Previdência e Assistência aos Servidores do Estado do Paraná) . In 1986 he was visiting professor at the Association for Education and Culture (Associação Paranaense de Ensino e Cultura) and between 1987 and 1997 he was a member of the Development Council of the Pontifical Catholic University Paraná PUC-PR (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná) . In 1998 he became academic advisor to the National Academy of Engineering ANE (Academia Nacional de Engenharia) and between 1998 and 2001 President of the International Confederation of Mercy (Confederação Internacional das Misericórdias) .

His marriage to Maria Helena Sotomaior Pereira resulted in two children.


  • A estratégia do grande impulso , 1970
  • Com licença, sr. candidato - o desafio brasileiro , 1983
  • Vamos continuar semeando , 1983
  • A epopéia das Misericórdias , 1993
  • Um sopro de eternidade , 1995
  • O jubileu do cristianismo ano 2000 ea bula Inter Gravíssimas , 2000
  • No século XXI e no milênio, há que continuar semeando ... , 2001

Web links

  • Entry on the homepage of the Chamber of Deputies
  • Entry on the homepage of the Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil (CPDOC) of the Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV)
  • Entry in Rulers