Pedro I. Fernández de Córdoba y Figueroa

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Pedro I. Fernández de Córdoba y Figueroa (* 1518 - † August 27, 1552 in Priego , Spain ) was a member of the Spanish nobility, 4th Count of Feria and Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece . As a military commander he served in Charles V's campaigns . His family was one of the most powerful feudal lords in Spain.


Pedro I. Fernández de Córdoba y Figueroa was born in 1518 as the eldest son of Lorenzo III. Suárez de Figueroa y Toledo (* 1505– † 1528), 3rd Count of Feria and his wife Catalina Fernández de Córdoba y Aguilar (* 1502– † 1569), 2nd Margravine of Priego, born. In the marriage contract, his parents had stipulated that the firstborn would inherit the margrave title from the mother and therefore Pedro put her surname first and then the paternal one. For the same reason he was not called Gonzalo, as would otherwise have been customary for the future 4th Count of Feria, but Pedro according to the naming rules of the mother's lineage. He had five siblings: Gómez III. Suárez de Figueroa (* 1523–1571), Alonso Fernández de Córdoba y Figueroa alias Alfonso de Aguilar (* 1546– † 1589), María de Toledo († 1565), Lorenzo de Figueroa and Antonio de Córdoba.

Feria Palace in Zafra .

In 1528, through the death of his father, he inherited his title and was from then on the 4th Count of Feria.

In 1541 he married the 14-year-old Ana de la Cruz Ponce de León (born May 3, 1527, † April 26, 1601). Soon after the wedding, he went to war in Flanders. He stayed there for three years before returning to Spain.

In 1543 he went on campaigns with Charles V in Italy, Germany and Flanders. In August he led the attack on Düren as commander of the artillery . For two days he led the shelling in which the city was set on fire and largely destroyed. He then helped save valuable relics from the burning Anna Church.

On December 11, 1545 he was knighted in Utrecht as a Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece .

In the following years he had two children. A daughter Catalina Fernández de Córdoba (* August 25, 1547, † September 27, 1574) and a son Lorenzo Suárez de Figueroa y Córdoba, (* August 25, 1548, † 1551).

Pedro Fernández died on August 27, 1552 in Priego .


  1. ^ Alonso López de Haro: Nobiliario genealogico de los reyes y titulos de España . Dirigido a la magestad del rey don Felipe quarto nuestro señor. tape 1 . Luis Sanchez Impressor Real, Madrid 1622, p. 600 (Spanish, limited preview in Google Book search).
  2. a b c Julián de Pinedo y Salazar: Historia de la insigne Orden del Toyson de Oro . dedicada al Rey Nuestro Señor, Xefe Soberano, y Gran Maestre de ellà. tape 1 . Imprenta Real, Madrid 1787, OCLC 23642659 (Spanish, limited preview in Google Book Search).
  3. ^ John Grier Varner: El Inca; the life and times of Garcilaso de la Vega . University of Texas Press, Austin 1968, ISBN 0-292-78375-2 , pp. 413 (English, limited preview in Google Book search).
  4. Martín de Roa: Vida de doña Ana Ponce de León Condesa de Feria, Monja enfanta Clara de Montilla . In: Flos sanctorum, fiestas i santos naturales de la ciudad de Cordova . 2nd Edition. Alonso Rodriguez Gamarra, Sevilla 1615, OCLC 81305338 (Spanish, limited preview in Google Book search).
  5. ^ Pedro de Gante: Relaciones de Pedro de Gante, secretario del duque de Nájera (1520-1544) . Ed .: Pascual de Gayángos. Imprenta de M. Rivadenetra, Madrid 1873 (Spanish, [accessed November 22, 2010]).