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Pelagodoxa henryana

Pelagodoxa henryana

Order : Palm- like arecales
Family : Palm family (Arecaceae)
Subfamily : Arecoideae
Tribe : Pelagodoxeae
Scientific name
J.Dransf. et al.

The Pelagodoxeae are a tribe of the palm family (Arecaceae). It comprises two genera in the west Pacific region.


The representatives of the Pelagodoxeae are small and trunkless or upright to medium-sized palms. They are single sexed ( monoecious ) and unarmed. The leaves are completely bifid or irregularly pinnate. The leaf margin is not torn out (premors), but lobed. The leaf sheaths do not form a corolla. The inflorescences are between the leaves and have few to many branches. The flowers are in triads in the lower part of the inflorescence, further up there are male flowers in pairs or alone. The flowers are in shallow pits. The female flowers have free petals that at the bottom of imbricat , in the upper valvat stand. The staminodes are very small, free and not fused into a ring. The ovary is pseudomonomer. The fruit bears the scar remains at the base. The exocarp is corky-warty.


The tribe is native to the western Pacific. One genus occurs in New Guinea , the other is believed to originate from the Marquesas .


The Pelagodoxeae as defined by Dransfield et al. (2008) are identified as natural relatives ( Monophylum ) in all studies . Their position within the Arecoideae is still unclear.

Two genera are counted to the tribe:

supporting documents

  • John Dransfield, Natalie W. Uhl, Conny B. Asmussen, William J. Baker, Madeline M. Harley, Carl E. Lewis: Genera Palmarum. The Evolution and Classification of Palms . Second edition, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 2008, ISBN 978-1-84246-182-2 , p. 489.