Pere Domènech i Roura

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Pere Domènech i Roura  (*  1881 in Barcelona , †  1962 in Lleida ), son of the architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner , was a Catalan architect of Modernisme Català .

He completed his architecture studies at the Escola d'Arquitectura de Barcelona on February 23, 1907 and worked there as a professor between 1920 and 1950. In addition to collaborating with his father, for example, when pioneering hospital construction of the Institut Pere Mata in Reus , he created the first own works, such as Casa Carbonell (1905) and the factory Jover i Cia (1910), both in Canet de Mar . His name is mainly associated with two plants in Barcelona, ​​the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau , whose construction management he was from the death of his father in 1923 until the opening in 1930 and where he built the pavilions Santa Victòria, Sant Manuel, l'Assumpció ( Assumption of Mary) and Sant Frederic designed, and the Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys (1920–1929). He made contributions to other buildings that were built for the 1929 World's Fair , such as the Palau Nacional de Montjuïc and the Casa de la Premsa.

In addition, he continued to work on various projects in the area around Barcelona:

  • Celler Cooperatiu de l ' Espluga de Francolí ( Espluga de Francolí cooperative winery - 1913) together with Lluís Domènech i Montaner
  • Cooperativa agrícola de Sarral ( Sarral Agricultural Cooperative - 1913)
  • Can Floris (1918) in Canet de Mar
  • Casa Marco (1926) in Reus
  • Plaça del Mercat municipal (Municipal Market Square - 1933) in Canet de Mar

Web links

Commons : Pere Domènech i Roura  - Collection of images, videos and audio files