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The Perlfeh is a small, blue-game colored rabbit breed weighing around 2.5 kg . As with the Marburger Feh , the aim of breeding was to imitate the fur of the Siberian squirrel . According to the descriptions, this fur has a bluish color with characteristic pearls, which the Marburg Feh lacks. the chinchilla rabbit scored.

The corresponding hereditary formulas are:

ABCdG or ABCdE Abcdg (German symbols) or abCde (English symbols)

History of the Perlfeh

The Perlfeh is one of the rabbit breeds that were simultaneously bred several times independently of each other. Thus, between the First and Second World War , Karl Hoffmanns from Düsseldorf bred a breed out of blue Viennese and wild-colored rabbits, which he called the Düsseldorfer Perlfeh. In parallel to him, Deiniger in Augsburg (Augsburger Fehkaninchen) and Röhmeier in Pinneberg , (Perlfeh) bred rabbits with the same color, but which were only distributed regionally. Since these breeds were animals of the same type and color, the breeds mentioned were merged under the name Perlfeh, under which they can be seen regularly at exhibitions today.

Similar races

Swiss Feh

At the same time that the various types were created, which were combined to form Perlfeh, other blue-wild-colored types, known as Feh, were created. For example in Switzerland the “Schweizer Feh” and in France the “Petite Gris de Hal” and the “Petit Gris”.

The Honnefer Großfeh was set as a blue-gray Viennese among the Viennese races, and even larger squirrel rabbits were classified as a blue-gray color to the giant rabbits .

The Marburger Feh is a light blue, monochrome rabbit.

The color blue-gray or blue-game color is also recognized as a color in other breeds, for example the color dwarfs .

Individual evidence

  1. K. Hoffmanns: The “Düsseldorfer Perl-Feh” . In: Der deutsche Pelztierzüchter , No. 6, Munich 1927, pp. 174–177


  • Friedrich Karl Dorn and Günther March: Breed rabbit breeding. A manual for rabbit keepers and breeders , 7th edition Augsburg 1989 ISBN 3-8944-0569-4 .
  • A. Franke: Perlfehkaninchen , in: The small animal breeder - Rabbit 10/1998, p. 4 ISSN  0941-0848 .
  • Friedrich Joppich: The rabbit , Berlin, VEB Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag, 1967
  • Wolfgang Schlolaut: The big book of the rabbit . 2nd edition, DLG-Verlag, Frankfurt 1998 ISBN 3-7690-0554-6 .