Perses (son of Helios)

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Perses ( Greek  Πέρσης ) is a son of Helios and Perse or Perseis in Greek mythology .

Perses was the brother of Aietes , the king of Colchis , as well as the Kirke and the Pasiphae . After the Argonauts withdrew from Colchis, he disempowered his royal brother in order to be able to seize rule himself. According to Hyginus Mythographus , he received a warning from an oracle that a descendant of Aietes would kill him. This oracle later came true, for Perses was either killed by his returned niece Medea , who restored his rightful throne to her father Aietes, or, according to another version, he died by the hand of Medos , the son of Medea.


Web links

  • Perses in the Greek Myth Index


  1. ^ Hyginus Mythographus , Fabulae 27; see. 244.
  2. Libraries of Apollodorus 1, 9, 28, 5.
  3. ^ Hyginus Mythographus, Fables 27.