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Kyai and Santri standing by pesantras
Kyai (Islamic scholar) and Santri (student) stand in front of pesantras

Pesantren (in Javanese and Sundanese Pasantrén , Indonesian Pondok Pesantren ) are Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia , which are similar to the madrasahs in the Arab world. They consist of a school, mosques and living or sleeping houses.


Pesantren aim to deepen the Islamic study subjects, in particular through the study of the Koran , Arabic, exegetical traditions , the sayings of the Prophet ( Hadith ), Sharia and logic. Pesantras have played an important role as social institutions over the centuries. They emphasize the core values ​​of sincerity, simplicity, individual autonomy, solidarity and self-control. Young men and women become separated from their families, which can add to a sense of individual commitment to the faith and allow for closer bondage with a teacher and easier guidance from the teacher.

The modern age is seen in schools as "potentially dangerous in terms of the morality often associated with it". The developments of the Renaissance , the Enlightenment and industrialization , some of which stem from the Dutch colonial era, must therefore be "cleaned" of "problematic" morality and then "renewed" integrated into Islamic ethics .

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Individual evidence

  1. Zamakhsyari Dhofier: The Pesantren Tradition: A Study of the Role of the Kyai in the maintenance of the Traditional Ideology of Islam in Java Tempe . Arizona State University Program for Southeast Asian Studies Monograph Series.
  2. ^ Adrian Vickers: A History of Modern Indonesia . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2005, ISBN 0-521-54262-6 , p. 55.
  3. Ronald Lukens-Bull: Two Sides of the Same Coin: Modernity and Tradition in Indonesian Islamic Education . In: Anthropology and Education Quarterly , Vol. 32 (2001), Issue 3, pp. 350-372.