Petar Vucic

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Petar Vučić (born May 28, 1938 in Glavice near Sinj , Kingdom of Yugoslavia ) is a Croatian politician and publicist.

Vučić studied law and political science at the University of Zagreb and then worked as a lawyer. After the break-up of Yugoslavia , he was active on the extreme right of Croatian politics . As Vice-President of the Hrvatski pravaši - Hrvatski pravaški pokret (Croatian Movement of Law), Vučić advocated the cooperation of the movement to defend Croatian constitutional rights and for the expansion of Croatia to the entire "historical" Croatian territory. In doing so, he combines the “historical” state rights with a völkisch image of people and society.

As the author of several articles and books, Vučić campaigns for the rehabilitation of the political goals of the Ustasha and the Independent State of Croatia in World War II, as well as for the rehabilitation of the ethnic writer and Ustaše ideologist Mile Budak . In a monograph published in 2000, he denies the existence of local anti-Semitism . The anti-Semitic stereotypes appearing in the book are descriptions of reality and not anti-Semitism.


  • Wolfgang Benz: Handbook of anti-Semitism: hostility to Jews in past and present. Vol. 2. Persons L - Z . De Gruyter Saur, Berlin / New York 2009, ISBN 978-3-598-24072-0 , pp. 856 f .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Wolfgang Benz: Handbook of Antisemitism: Anti-Semitism in Past and Present. Vol. 2. Persons L - Z . De Gruyter Saur, Berlin / New York 2009, ISBN 978-3-598-24072-0 , pp. 856 f .