Peter Gradenwitz

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Peter Gradenwitz, 1998

Peter (Emmanuel) Gradenwitz (born January 24, 1910 in Berlin ; † July 27, 2001 in Tel Aviv ) was a German-Israeli musicologist .


Gradenwitz studied musicology in Freiburg with Wilibald Gurlitt , in Berlin with Arnold Schering and Curt Sachs and with Gustav Becking at the University of Prague, where he received his doctorate on Johann Stamitz in 1936 . At the same time he studied composition with Julius Weismann and the Schönberg student Josef Rufer . In 1934 he had to emigrate from Germany. After brief stays in London and Paris, he first lived in Prague. At the end of 1936 he moved to Palestine . In 1949 he founded the first Israeli music publisher for concert music ( Israeli Music Publications ), which he directed until 1982. From 1966 to 1977 he taught musicology at Tel Aviv University , with a focus on contemporary music. He was also a co-founder of the Israeli section of the International Society for Contemporary Music . In 1980 the University of Freiburg appointed him honorary professor. Gradenwitz researched, taught and published mainly about the Stamitz family , Arnold Schönberg and about modern Israeli music. The discovery of his compositional work is still pending.

Fonts (selection)

  • Johann Stamitz. Life , dissertation University of Prague 1936; Vol. 1: Life , Brno 1936.
  • The Music of Israel , New York 1949; 2nd revised and expanded edition Portland 1996.
  • Music and Musicians in Israel , Tel Aviv 1959.
  • Paths to contemporary music , Stuttgart 1963, revised new edition in 1974 under the title Paths to the Music of Time .
  • Music between Orient and Occident: A Cultural History of Interrelationships , Wilhelmshaven 1977.
  • Johann Stamitz. Life, Environment, Plant , Wilhelmshaven 1984.
  • Leonard Bernstein. Infinite variety of a musician , Zurich 1984 and 1995 (English translation 1987).
  • The German-Jewish contribution to the development of musical life in Israel , in: Habakuk Traber and Elmar Weingarten (eds.): Displaced music. Berlin composers in exile , Argon, Berlin 1987, pp. 79–97. ISBN 3-87024-118-7
  • The most beautiful Yiddish love songs , Dreieich 1988.
  • Music for the Bible - biblical music , in: Neue Zeitschrift für Musik 159, Issue 3, 1998, pp. 38–42.
  • Arnold Schönberg and his master students. Berlin 1925-1933 , Paul Zsolnay, Vienna 1998, ISBN 3-552-04899-5


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