Peter Knoch

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Peter Knoch (born March 3, 1935 in Aachen , † 1994 ) was a German historian and history teacher .

life and work

Knoch studied history and German as well as philosophy and sports at the Universities of Bonn and Basel . In 1965 he received his doctorate from the University of Bonn with a study on Albert von Aachen supervised by Helmut Beumann . He then worked until 1969 as a research assistant to August Nitschke at the Historical Institute of the Technical University of Stuttgart .

In 1969, Knoch was appointed to the Ludwigsburg University of Education , where he was appointed professor for the history and didactics of history in 1972. On the scientific level, Knoch focused on the reconstruction of everyday war life in various historical epochs and source-critical investigations into the field post from the two world wars. His extensive collection is now in the archive of the Stuttgart Library for Contemporary History .

Knoch made significant contributions to the didactics of an open history lesson with the principles of discovery learning , based on the guiding principle that history lessons can only succeed if students make historical problems “their problem”, for which the lessons provide creative suggestions and technical support have. Knoch was the editor of the five-volume standard instructional work, tracing history , published by Klett-Verlag . Suggestions for a creative history lesson and from 1987 until his death in 1994 belonged to the scientific editorial board of the journal Praxis Geschichte published by Westermann Schulbuchverlag .

Fonts (selection)

  • Studies on Albert von Aachen. The 1st crusade in German chronicle . Klett, Stuttgart 1966 (dissertation, University of Bonn, 1965).
  • Discovery learning in history lessons . In: Günter Neff (Ed.): Practice of discovery learning in primary school . Scriptor, Kronberg / Ts 1977, ISBN 3-589-20561-X , pp. 82-116.
  • Try open history class . In: Geschichtsdidaktik 7, 1982, pp. 439–451.
  • (Editor together with Thomas Leeb) Home or region? Basics of a didactic of regional history . Diesterweg, Frankfurt am Main 1984, ISBN 3-425-07329-X .
  • Feldpost - an undiscovered historical source type . In: Geschichtsdidaktik 11, 1986, pp. 154-171.
  • War experiences as a biographical crisis . In: Andreas Gestrich , Peter Knoch and Helga Merkel (eds.): Biography - social history . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1988, ISBN 3-525-33550-4 , pp. 86-108.
  • (Editor) Everyday Warfare. The reconstruction of everyday war life as a task of historical research and peace education . Metzler, Stuttgart 1989, ISBN 3-476-30320-9 .
  • (Editor) Tracking History. Suggestions for a creative history lesson . 5 volumes. Klett, Stuttgart 1990–1993:
  • Experience and relive. The war experience in the eyewitness report and in history lessons. In: Gerhard Hirschfeld , Gerd Krumeich and Irina Renz (eds.): "Nobody here feels more human ...". Experience and impact of the First World War . Klartext Verlag, Essen 1993, ISBN 3-88474-004-0 (Writings from the Library for Contemporary History; NF 1), pp. 199–220 ( online , PDF, 405 kB).


  • Waltraud Schreiber : Peter Knoch - historian and history educator . In: Dieter Brötel, Hans H. Pöschko (ed.): Crises and historical consciousness . Mental history and didactic contributions. In memory of Peter Knoch . Deutscher Studienverlag, Weinheim 1996, ISBN 3-89271-665-X , pp. 198-231 (with complete bibliography).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Waltraud Schreiber: Peter Knoch - historian and historian . In: Dieter Brötel, Hans H. Pöschko (ed.): Crises and historical consciousness . Mental history and didactic contributions. In memory of Peter Knoch . Deutscher Studienverlag, Weinheim 1996, p. 199 f.
  2. Waltraud Schreiber: Peter Knoch - Historian and History Didactician , p. 200 ff.