Peter Prosch

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Peter Prosch
Birth and baptism certificate (from 1936)

Peter Prosch (* July 20, 1744 in Ried im Zillertal , County of Tyrol ; † January 5, 1804 ibid) was a simple citizen who got to know the nobility in German-speaking countries and wrote an autobiography about it .


The life of the trained glove maker Prosch was initially shaped by poverty. When he was nine years old, he moved from his homeland to find happiness far away. He wanted to ask for money from the rich nobility in order to fulfill his dream of having his own schnapps distillery. He moved from Fürstenhof to Fürstenhof as a “court tyroler” and, as a simple farmer's son, got to know the nobility of his time in German-speaking countries. It was less his vision that found favor with the gentlemen than his person himself. Without his wanting to, Peter Prosch became a “respected court jester” who was known in all German royal houses in the second half of the 18th century and was welcome.

In 1789, in the meantime he was a farmer and innkeeper in Ried, his autobiography was published for the first time, which today gives a unique and above all unclouded view of the society of that time. Above all, the life of the German prince-bishops is depicted very impressively.


Peter Prosch: The life and events of Peter Prosch, a Tyrolean from Ried in the Zillertal, or The wonderful fate, written at the time of the Enlightenment . Edited by Karl Pörnbacher. Munich: Kösel 1964 (first time 1789).


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