Peter Rackow

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Peter Rackow (* 1970 in Hanover ) is a German lawyer and former head of the "Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law and Criminal Policy" department at the German Police University .

Rackow began studying law at the University of Hanover in 1991 , which he completed in 1996 with the 1st state examination. From 1996 to 1998 he completed the legal preparatory service and from 1999 became a research assistant at the legal seminar of the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Chair M. Maiwald). In 2001 Peter Rackow received his doctorate on the subject of the DNA Identity Establishment Act and its problems . In 2007, he completed his habilitation for the subjects of criminal law , European criminal law, criminal procedure law and comparative law at the Faculty of Law of the Georg-August University in Göttingen on the subject of neutral acts as a problem of criminal law . Since the summer semester of 2010, he has been head of the Law Department (FG 06) at the German Police University.

Most important monographs

  • The DNA Identity Determination Act and its Problems, Frankfurt a. M. 2001 (also Göttingen Diss. 2001).
  • As co-editor alongside Carsten Momsen (Göttingen) and Professor Dr. René Bloy (Freiburg i.Brsg.): Fragmentary criminal law. Contributions to criminal law, criminal procedure law and comparative criminal law. Written for Manfred Maiwald on the occasion of his retirement by his students, employees and friends, Frankfurt a. M. 2003.
  • Neutral actions as a problem of criminal law (habilitation thesis), publication in Peter-Lang-Verlag in preparation.


Beck'scher online commentary on the Criminal Code (edited by Bernd von Heintschel-Heinegg), as of August 1, 2006

  • Section 123 (trespassing),
  • Section 124 (serious trespassing),
  • Section 125 (breach of the peace),
  • Section 125a (particularly serious breach of the peace),
  • Section 126 (disturbance of the public peace by threatening criminal offenses),
  • Section 130 (sedition),
  • Section 130a (instructions on criminal offenses),
  • Section 131 (representation of violence).

Current essays

  • (together with Miller): Transnational perpetration and participation - doctrine of participation and application of criminal law . In: ZStW . Volume 117, 2005, pp. 379-417.
  • (together with Ambos): Institutional order of the European Union and European Community . In: Law . 2006, pp. 505-512.
  • (together with Momsen): The permissibility error in case processing (part 1) . In: YES . 2006, pp. 550-555.
  • (together with Momsen): The permissibility error in case processing (part 2) . In: YES . 2006, pp. 654-664.
  • (together with Ambos): Estrutura e ordem institucional da União Européia conforme o Tratado da União Européia / Tratado da Comunidade Européia e Tratado da Constituição Européia . In: Ambos / Paulo Pereira, Mercosul e União Européia. Perspectivas da Integração Regional . Rio de Janeiro 2006, pp. 17-51.
  • (together with Ambos): The terrorist's baguette . In: Law . 2006, pp. 943-949. [Examination exam StR]
  • (together with Stegmiller): “Intelligent sanctions” for combating terrorism: Yusuf, Kadi and Hassan before the CFI . HuV-I 2/2007, pp. 68-78.

Web links