Peter Rothammer

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Peter Rothammer

Peter Rothammer (* 1944 ) is a German urban development planner , investigative radio and television journalist , radio play and game author .


After a newspaper traineeship at the "Regensburger Woche" he studied sociology with Ralf Dahrendorf , political science and economics at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen , at the Free University of Berlin and at the University of Regensburg . After graduating , Peter Rothammer worked in the Office for Urban Development of the City of Wuppertal , followed by postgraduate studies in urban and regional planning in Amsterdam . From 1972 to 1980 he was a research associate and project manager at the German Institute for Urban Studies in Berlin with a research focus on migration and integration. Peter Rothammer has been working as an author for ARD since 1980 .


Selected films

  • Kirghiz Michel. BR 2001
  • "Children of Olympus" in Kazakhstan - the German Theater Almaty. BR 1999
  • In the twilight. Detectives in Germany (in collaboration with Karl Neumann). ARD / BR 1988.
  • Muslims - between fundamentalism and prejudice. BR 1998
  • Locked out! Africans at the Andalusian gate. BR 1997
  • In the shadow of the minaret - Islamists in Germany. ARD / BR 1997
  • Nachtarock: Michael v. Romania. BR 1994

Selected features on ARD radio

  • Business address: Gaddafi-Clan , director: Leonhard Koppelmann . HR / ARD 2012
  • “Unfortunately, many animals don't read scripts” - How animal filmmakers get their pictures. BR / dradio 2012
  • House of cards. The unstable world after the bank crash. HR / BR 2011
  • Bank robbery: the Hypo Real Estate case. WDR / ARD 2010
  • Cancer Evil Corruption. BR 2008
  • Modern pirates - when reality enters legend. BR 2008
  • Lobbyists. The pullers of power. BR 2006
  • It all started at Brixton Market ... BR 2006
  • Flagged out! Scrap barges on the oceans. BR 2003
  • Herero uprising - Namibia's open wound. WDR 2003
  • "Suitcase or coffin!" Censorship with the bullet. BR 1996
  • Kurdistana min ka? Kurds without Kurdistan. BR 1994
  • Dying in the Serengeti - On the trail of the elephant poachers. BR 1990
  • Pirate act! Greenpeace report from on board the "Sirius". BR 1989
  • Beirut - who against whom? Why? BR 1984

Radio plays

  • The dealer. Thriller. BR 1986
  • Power game. (In collaboration with Rainer Epp). BR 1985
  • Kingston Connection. (In collaboration with Rainer Epp) Original sound radio play. BR 1983

Specialist literature

  • Integration of foreign workers and their families in a comparison of cities. Berlin, German Institute for Urban Studies, 1974

Board game

  • Atomic cracker - YOU get out of the car while playing. Ökotopia Verlag, 1986


Web links


  • On the awarding of the Ernst Schneider Prize from the laudation by WDR director Monika Piel on October 31, 2011: "With the courage to use new and sometimes experimental forms of representation, you can create a unique tension - a real financial thriller that explains the background a 100 billion euro bankruptcy explained " .
  • For radio feature "No melting pot - New York's new population mix": "This show has made an outstanding contribution to understanding between the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America." (International jury of the RIAS Berlin Commission 2003)
  • On the film "Nachtarock: Michael v. Romania": "The press-shy monarch also gave information about how Elena Lupescu , his father's greedy mistress, had damaged the monarchy's reputation and cheated him of his inheritance." In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , November 3, 1994.
  • Regarding the film "In the twilight. Detectives in Germany": "In happy moments, television shows us that it knows how to do its job in reports in a more exciting way than we assumed after many` crime scenes`. " In: FAZ , October 15, 1988 .
  • About the radio play Kingston Connection: "A breathtaking thriller from Jamaica!" in: HÖRZU August 3, 1983
  • For the parlor game "The atomic crackers. YOU get out of the game while playing": "As a little atomic cracker, as anyone with a lot of imagination and a little luck, playfully infiltrate the powerful atomic lobby!" (Cover dedication by Günter Wallraff )