Peter Wertheimer

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Peter Wertheimer (born February 11, 1890 in Pardubice ; † probably 1944 in Auschwitz concentration camp ) was an employee of the archive in the Lodz / Litzmannstadt ghetto .


Little is known about Peter Wertheimer's life before 1939. According to new findings, Wertheimer edited a separate column “Wirtschafts-Umschau” in the Jewish daily newspaper “ Selbstwehr ” from 1933–1934 . Here he discussed current events in economic life in Europe and the world, including the Levante Fair in Tel Aviv .

In 1941 he lived with his family in Prague, from where he was deported to the Lodz / Litzmannstadt ghetto on October 21.

Time in the Lodz / Litzmannstadt ghetto

In the ghetto, Wertheimer worked for the archive, one of the five German chroniclers (alongside Oskar Rosenfeld , Oskar Singer, Bernhard Heilig and Alice Chana de Buton) and co-author of the chronicle of the Lodz / Litzmannstadt ghetto and the “Encyclopedia of the Ghetto”.

He wrote u. a. the columnist contributions to the "Chronicle". In 1944 he regularly wrote the part "Kleiner Getto-Spiegel", in which the human tragedy was presented in an impressive way:

“There is a Hasidic family consisting of a father, mother, a daughter, two sons, the young wife of one son and the girl's groom. During the last evacuation, the two sons were separated from theirs. One of them was allowed to return and eagerly awaited the moment of reunification with his own in the central prison, but especially the young woman whom he literally took off the car when her parents - Jews from Germany - were evacuated.

Then comes the requirement of the 1500 workers. The homecomer has to come with me again. The daughter's bridegroom is also among the mentioned. On the day of his indentment, the sick father dies. The women are left alone. A rough gust of wind has defoliated the tree. "

In August 1944, Wertheimer was with other Jews from the ghetto of Lodz / Litzmannstadt to Auschwitz deported and probably murdered.


  • Sascha Feuchert , Erwin Leibfried and Jörg Riecke (eds.): The Chronicle of the Lodz / Litzmannstadt Ghetto , 5th volumes, Göttingen: Wallstein, 2007.
  • Krystyna Radziszewska, Jacek Walicki, Ewa Wiatr, Piotr Zawilski u. a .: Kronika Getta Lodzkiego / Litzmannstadt Ghetto 1941–1944. Opracowanie i redakcja naukowa Julian Baranowski , 5 volumes. Lodz: Archivum Panstwowe w Lodzi / Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Lodzkiego, 2009.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. See Wertheimer, Peter: “Wirtschafts-Umschau. Levante-Messe 1934 in Tel Awiw. ", In: Selbstwehr, Vol. 27 (1933), H. 38/39 (September 18, 1933), p. 9.
  2. The “Encyclopedia of the Ghetto” is the second major project that arose in Lodz / Litzmannstadt. The current events and the most important personalities of the ghetto were recorded there on individual index cards. The files are in the archives in Poland, Israel and the USA.
  3. PW: Kleiner Ghetto-Spiegel, in: Die Chronik des Ghetto Lodz / Litzmannstadt, 5th vol., Ed. by Sascha Feuchert, Erwin Leibfried and Jörg Riecke, Göttingen: Wallstein, 2007, here vol. 4: 1944, p. 136.
  4. See ibid., Vol. 5: Supplements, p. 403.