Erwin Leibfried

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Erwin Heinrich Leibfried (born January 14, 1942 in Frei-Weinheim ; † August 1, 2019 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a German literary scholar , publisher and author . From 1973 to 2006 he held the professorship for general literature at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen .


Erwin Leibfried was born on January 14, 1942 as the son of a farming and craft family in Frei-Weinheim. After attending the Sebastian-Münster-Gymnasium in Ingelheim am Rhein , he began studying philosophy , psychology , German and sports science at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel in 1961 . In 1966 he passed the teacher examination in German and sport in Mainz, which was followed by his doctorate in 1969. After receiving his doctorate, Erwin Leibfried took up a position as assistant professor for philosophy at the University of Trier . In 1973 he followed a call to the Justus Liebig University in Giessen as a professor of literature . His research focus was on hermeneutics and aesthetics .

1986 Leibfried called the Phoibos Apollon Society for Culture and Science e. V. into life. The association deals with scientifically founded exhibitions, which were shown in Giessen , Ingelheim, Wiesbaden , Vienna , Frankfurt am Main and Chemnitz , among others .

In 1987, on the 100th anniversary of the death of the Dutch writer Multatuli , Leibfried founded the International Multatuli Society, which cares for the memory of the author. He presided over the society as president.

In 1990 he founded the German Academy on Mallorca together with his wife Barbara Leibfried. As part of the academy, the couple organized literary lectures in Palma and other Mallorcan cities.

In 1998, through the initiative of Leibfried and Sascha Feuchert and the Ernst-Ludwig Chambrè-Stiftung zu Lich, the Holocaust Literature Unit was set up at the then Institute for Modern German Literature, now the Institute for German Studies, at the University of Giessen. The aim of the position is the literary and didactic investigation as well as the preparation of texts of the Holocaust literature. Erwin Leibfried managed the office until 2008.

Erwin Leibfried ran the litblockín publishing house. Since 1998 he has been editor of the Wissenschaftlicher Literaturanzeiger .

Prizes and awards

  • 1998 awarded the medal “For Services to Society and Science” (“W Sluzbie Spoleczenstwu i Nauce”) from the University of Lodz.
  • 2006 awarded with the medal “Universitatis Lodzenis Amico” (“To the friend of the University of Lodz”).
  • 2011 Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon


  • Fable . Stuttgart: Metzler 1967; 4th edition 1982
  • Critical Science of Text . Stuttgart: Metzler 1970; 2nd edition 1972
  • Identity and variation . Stuttgart: Metzler 1970
  • Interpretation . Munich: bsv 1973; 2nd edition 1975
  • Texts on the theory of fable . (Co-edited by Josef M. Werle) Stuttgart: Metzler 1978
  • Lessing: Miss Sara Sampson. (Editor, with an afterword) Stuttgart: Reclam 1978
  • Literary hermeneutics. An introduction to their history and problems . Tübingen: Fool 1980
  • Fable. Bamberg: CC Buchners 1984
  • Schiller: The Maid of Orleans. (Editor, with afterword and commentary) Munich: Goldmann 1984
  • Schiller. Notes on today's understanding of his dramas. Frankfurt / Main: Peter Lang 1985
  • Heinrich von Kleist - a Prussian and a modern poet . Exhibition catalog. Fernwald: litblockín 1987
  • Who was Multatuli? Traces of a writer's effort . Book accompanying the exhibition. Fernwald: litblockín 1987
  • The hundred mark bill turns five hundred. Pictures and stories from the cosmography of Sebastian Münster . Fernwald: litblockín 1988
  • Is there any progress? Messages that consist almost entirely of questions from the morning round on board TS Maxim Gorky on the journey from South America through the South Seas to Australia . Fernwald: litblockín 1990
  • The trace of freedom. Prolegomena to the history of science in literary studies . Frankfurt / Main: Peter Lang 1990
  • The poet Johannette Lein (1820–1903). Forgotten poets from Giessen brought to mind . Fernwald: litblockín 1991
  • Goethe: Until the move to Weimar; 1749-1775. (Editor) Fernwald: litblockín 1992
  • The demand of the day: rather unsorted notes on the draft of a memorandum on applied humanities, presented to students willing to listen . Fernwald: litblockín 1992
  • Alfred Bock. Collected Works . Marburg: Hitzeroth 1992ff
  • to pharmakon: the poison, the gift. Coexistence of the most opposite states . Frankfurt / Main: Peter Lang 1993
  • Ernst Eckstein. A reading and picture book. Forgotten poets from Giessen brought to mind . Fernwald: litblockín 1997
  • Goethe. A comet in the sky of the centuries . Volumes. Fernwald: litblockín 1999
  • Goethe erotic: The classic very frivolous for the bathtub . Edition Wannenbuch , 2013 ISBN 978-3-9815989-1-9

Series Editor

  • Giessen work on modern German literature and literary studies . Founded by Erwin Leibfried and Dirk Grathoff. Edited by Erwin Leibfried, Sascha Feuchert , Carsten Gansel and Joanna Jablkowska. Frankfurt / Main: Peter Lang 1985ff
  • Scientific literature reviewer (WLA). Giessen: litblockín 1998ff


  • Multatuli: Rheingau and Ingelheim letters. (a selection in 2 volumes with an afterword) Fernwald: litblockín 1995

Articles in encyclopedias

  • "Interpretation". In: Brockhaus Encyclopedia . Mannheim: Brockhaus 1989, vol. 10, p. 583
  • "Wilhelm Dilthey". In: Literature Lexicon. Authors and works of German language. Edited by W. Killy. Munich: Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag 1989, Vol. 3, pp. 54–57
  • "Adam Karrillon" In: Literature Lexicon. Authors and works of German language. Edited by W. Killy. Munich: Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag 1990, Vol. 6, p. 244

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. see page from Peter Lang Verlag on the Archivlink series ( Memento from August 15, 2014 in the Internet Archive )