Petras Plumpa

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Petras Plumpa (born January 6, 1939 in Ratkūnai near Suvainiškis , Rajongemeinde Rokiškis ) is a former Lithuanian dissident and publicist.


From 1954 he took part in the anti-Soviet organization at the Pandėlys Middle School . He was an employee of the newspaper “Laisvės balsas”. He wrote a novel "Kruvina pašvaistė" about partisans. On February 16, 1958, he hung the Lithuanian flag on the tower in the Petrašiūnai power station . He was a co-founder of the organization “Laisvę Lietuvai”. In 1958 he was arrested, convicted and expelled to Mordovia . There he worked in camps. From 1965 he worked in the kolkhoz in Lithuania , then as a sanitary technician in Vilnius . From 1968 he worked in Kaunas . From 1969 he lived illegally with the family name Pluiras . In 1972 he began to publish the " Lietuvos katalikų bažnyčios kronika " with Father Sigitas Tamkevičius . In 1974 he was sentenced to seven years. From 1992 he worked at the State Security Department as General Director. From 1993 to 2001 he was a religious advisor to the government of Lithuania .


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