Sanitary engineering

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As a sub-area of supply technology (building technology), sanitary technology deals with technical installations for gas and water supply as well as wastewater disposal , including the associated furnishings in bathrooms , shower and toilet facilities .

Purpose description

Sanitary installations mainly serve the hygiene and health of the people and thus play an important role in swimming pools , saunas , large kitchens , slaughterhouses and other businesses in the food industry .

In addition to the supply and disposal of drinking water in residential buildings and workplaces, industrial water systems are also installed , especially in agriculture and industry .

Plumbing fixtures and fittings such as mixer taps are used by most people on a daily basis. Among the sanitary objects include sinks , bidets , toilet bowls , urinals , bathtubs , shower trays , etc. Many of these are traditionally made of ceramic or porcelain manufactured and as sanitary ceramics called. Sinks , bathtubs and shower trays are not ceramics , as these are usually made of enamelled sheet steel or acrylic .

Professional field

Colloquially be plumbers often as plumber called.

The heating construction and the air conditioning or ventilation technology are often combined with the sanitary technology as SHK technology , i.e. sanitary, heating and air conditioning technology or as HLS , for heating, ventilation, sanitary .

Without sanitary engineering remain the areas of HVAC systems , ie heating, ventilation and air conditioning technology , in Switzerland and the HVAC systems and equipment for heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration . The international name is HVAC ("Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning").

The associated training occupation is called " Plant mechanic for sanitary, heating and air conditioning technology " in Germany . After completing the third year of training, one of the additions “Focus on environmental technology”, “Focus on heat technology”, “Focus on gas and water technology” or “Focus on air conditioning technology” is selected.



  • S. Blickle, M. Härterich, F. Jungmann and others: Sanitary technology. 8th edition. Haan-Gruiten, Europa-Lehrmittel, 2014, ISBN 978-3-8085-1465-8 .
  • Hugo Feurich: sanitary technology , Krammer. 9th edition, 2005, ISBN 3-88382-087-3 . 10th edition, ISBN 978-3-8838-2087-3
  • Max Knauff among others: cooking, washing up, washing and bathing facilities. Drainage and cleaning of buildings, drainage of house, roof and yard water, toilets and urinals, removal of faeces from the buildings . (= Handbook of Architecture. Part 3: Die Hochbau-Constructionen. Volume 5). Bergstrasse, Darmstadt 1892.
  • T. Kistemann, W. Schulte, K. Rudat and others: Building technology for drinking water. 2nd Edition. Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg 2017, ISBN 978-3-662-54301-6 .
  • A. Gassner, U. Wellmann: The plumber. 11., revised. Edition. Craft and Technology, Hamburg 2014, ISBN 978-3-582-03155-6 .
  • M. Härterich, S. Blickle, R. Flegel and others: Installation and heating technology - specialist knowledge (basics & learning areas 1-15). 5th edition. Haan-Gruiten, Europa-Lehrmittel, 2014, ISBN 978-3-8085-1527-3 .


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