Petrus Hispanus

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Petrus Hispanus is an important logician of the 13th century. He wrote twelve tracts around 1240 , which were later handed down under the title " Summulae logicales ". They represent the most popular medieval introduction to logic with a long history of impact.


The logician Petrus Hispanus is traditionally identified with the Portuguese physician Petrus Hispanus (1205–1277), who became Pope John XXI in the last year of his life . was appointed. But this is not certain. Various Dominicans are also discussed as alternative authors of the Summulae logicales . There is no Greek model by Michael Psellos ; a later back translation of the treatises of Petrus Hispanus into Greek was slipped on him. The syllogistic according to Petrus Hispanus is largely identical to that of William of Sherwood ; the dating of their writings is estimated differently, so that the priority cannot be clearly determined. The memorable depiction of Aristotelian logic for scholastic teaching only achieved popularity through Petrus Hispanus. Already in Dante's Divine Comedy he was praised among the wisdom teachers in the sunny sky of Paradiso as Pietro Ispano lo qual già luce in dodici libelli (Petrus Hispanus, whose light already shines in the twelve little books). His Summulae logicales was published and commented on again and again and was widely used in universities until the 17th century. The coding of the Aristotelian syllogistics contained therein is still used today.

Mnemonic syllogistics

In the fourth treatise, Petrus Hispanus reported on the assertoric syllogistics of Aristotle and added a mnemonic technique . He translated the Aristotelian sentences into an understandable language and shortened them symbolically. The translation does not affect the logical content of the original syllogistics. Therefore, the only logical progress is the coding, which comes close to a calculus and has a mnemonic purpose. The latter is concentrated in a memorable poem that lists 19 Aristotelian syllogisms and names them:

Barbara Celarent Darii Ferio Baralipton
Celantes Dabitis Fapesmo Frisesomorum
Cesare Cambestres Festino Barocho Darapti
Felapto Disamis Datisi Bocardo Ferison

Coding the statements

Petrus Hispanus preferred the older, more understandable categorical statements with interchanged terms to the original statements from analytics and abbreviated them using vowel codes so that they can easily be translated into formulas:

code Names categorical statements Formulas Statements of the analytics
a universally affirmative omnis A est B Every A is a B. AaB B belongs to every A.
e universally negative nullus A est B No A is a B. AeB B does not belong to any A.
i particular affirmative quidam A est B Any A is a B. AiB B belongs to some A.
O particulate negative quidam A non est B Any A is not a B. AoB B does not belong to any A.

Coding of the syllogisms

The Aristotelian syllogisms are noted here schematically: premise 1, premise 2 → conclusion. Petrus Hispanus named the first premise major and the second minor and wrote them vertically one above the other. Aristotle divided the syllogisms into three figures, which differ in the position of the upper term A in premise 1, the middle term B in both premises, and the subterm C in premise 2. Aristotle submitted syllogisms with converted conclusions, but did not include them in the first figure, as did Petrus Hispanus (Table, Figure 1a). Since he also swapped the terms, his figures look different than in the original: There AaB would be the original statement "A comes to every B" and the first syllogism would be the transit law AaB, BaC → AaC; this original form disappears in the representation with interchanged terms. So all syllogisms are outwardly rewritten. The first three vowels of their memorized names each name the statements that occur in sequence (in bold in the table).

figure syllogism Nickname Example of Peter Hispanus
Figure 1
BxA, CyB → CzA
BaA, CaB → CaA B a rb a r a Every living being is a being
Every person is a living being
So: every person is a being
BeA, CaB → CeA C e l a r e nt No living being is a stone
Every person is a living being
So: No person is a stone
BaA, CiB → CiA D a r ii Every living being is a being.
Some human is a living being.
So: some human is a being
BeA, CiB → CoA F e r io No living being is a stone.
Any human being is a living being.
So: any human is not a stone
Figure 1a
BxA, CyB → AzC
BaA, CaB → AiC B a r a l i pton Every living being is a being
Every person is a living being
So: Any being is a human being
BeA, CaB → AeC C e l a nt e s No living being is a stone
Everyone is a living being
So: no stone is a person
BaA, CiB → AiC D a b i t i s Every living being is a being.
Some human is a living being.
So: some being is a human
BaA, CeB → AoC F a p e sm o Every living being is a being
No stone is a living being
So: Any being is not a stone
BiA, CeB → AoC Fr i s e s o morum Any living being is a being
No stone is a living being
So: any being is not a stone
Figure 2
AxB, CyB → CzA
AeB, CaB → CeA C e s a r e No stone is a living being
Every person is a living being
So: No one is a stone
AaB, CeB → CeA C a mb e str e s Every person is a living being
No stone is a living being
So: No stone is a person
AeB, CiB → CoA F e st i n o No stone is a living being.
Any human is a living being.
So: any human is not a stone
AaB, CoB → CoA B a r o ch o Every human being is a living being.
Some stone is not a living being.
So: some stone is not human
Figure 3
BxA, ByC → CzA
BaA, BaC → CiA D a r a pt i Every person is a being
Every person is a living being
So: Any living being is a being
BeA, BaC → CoA F e l a pt o Nobody is a stone
Every person is a living being
So: any living being is not a stone.
BiA, BaC → CiA D i s a m i s Any person is a being
Every person is a living being
So: Any living being is a being
BaA, BiC → CiA D a t i s i Every person is a being Every person is a
living being
So: Any living being is a being
BoA, BaC → CoA B o c a rd o Any person is not a stone
Everyone is a living being
So: Any living being is not a stone
BeA, BiC → CoA F e r i s o n No human is a stone
Any human is a living being
So: Any living being is not a stone

Coding the arguments

The arguments that Aristotle used in his proofs were abbreviated by Petrus Hispanus with consonants, each with an initial of a typical word in the argument name. In this way he completely coded the Aristotelian axiom system of syllogistics according to the following table:

code Argument name Aristotelian rule formalized
B. B arbara BaA, CaB → CaA perfect
C. C elarent BeA, CaB → CeA
D. D arii BaA, CiB → CiA
F. F erio BeA, CiB → CoA
s conversio s implex AeB → BeA
AiB → BiA
p conversio p er accidens AaB → BiA
m transpositio in premissis
de m ajori minorem
A, B → B, A Exchange of premises

per impossibile
ex opposito c onclusionis
A, ¬C → contradiction
equivalent to A → C
indirect proof
negating o and i
equipollet suo c ontradictorio ¬ (AoB) = AaB
¬ (AiB) = AeB

Coding the Evidence

The notation names encode the syllogisms including evidence. Petrus Hispanus made sure that only those code consonants appear in memorized names for which the associated rule is also applicable; hence perfect syllogisms as axioms have no code consonants other than their initial. The following table highlights the code consonants in bold and transfers the coding into the Aristotelian proofs, which are clearly and precisely understandable:

syllogism Evidence Code proof
BaA, CaB → CaA B arbara Axiom not to prove
BeA, CaB → CeA C elarent Axiom not to prove
BaA, CiB → CiA D arii Axiom not to prove
BeA, CiB → CoA F erio Axiom not to prove
BaA, CaB → AiC B arali p ton BaA, CaB B arbara CaA conversio p er accidens AiC
BeA, CaB → AeC C elante s BeA, CaB C elarent CeA conversio s implex AeC
BaA, CiB → AiC D abiti s BaA, CiB D arii CiA conversio s implex AiC
BaA, CeB → AoC F a p e sm o BaA, CeB conversio p er accidens AiB, CeB conversio s implex AiB, BeC de m ajori minorem BeC, AiB F erio AoC
BiA, CeB → AoC F ri s e s o m orum BiA, CeB conversio s implex AiB, CeB conversio s implex AiB, BeC de m ajori minorem BeC, AiB F erio AoC
AeB, CaB → CeA C e s are AeB, CaB conversio s implex BeA, CaB C elarent CeA
AaB, CeB → CeA C a m be s tre s AaB, CeB de m ajori minorem CeB, AaB conversio s implex BeC, AaB C elarent AeC conversio s implex CeA
AeB, CiB → CoA F e s tino AeB, CiB conversio s implex BeA, CiB F erio CoA
AaB, CoB → CoA B aro c o ex opposito c onclusionis AaB, CaA, CoB B arbara CaB, CoB impossibilis (contradiction)
BaA, BaC → CiA D ara p ti BaA, BaC conversio p er accidens BaA, CiB D arii CiA
BeA, BaC → CoA F ela p to BeA, BaC conversio p er accidens BeA, CiB F erio CoA
BiA, BaC → CiA D i s a m i s BiA, BaC conversio s implex AiB, BaC de m ajori minorem BaC, AiB D arii AiC conversio s implex CiA
BaA, BiC → CiA D ati s i BaA, BiC conversio s implex BaA, CiB D arii CiA
BoA, BaC → CoA B o c ardo ex opposito c onclusionis BoA, CaA, BaC B arbara BoA, BaA impossibilis (contradiction)
BeA, BiC → CoA F eri s on BeA, BiC conversio s implex BeA, CiB F erio CoA

Code variants

The memory poem is circulating today in different versions. The core of Figures 1–3 remained unchanged except for the orthographic variants: Camestres, Felapton, Baroco. The inserted Figure 1a was later replaced by Figure 4, which only interchanges the premises of the syllogisms and renames the variables in order to achieve the other conclusion form CzA. The proofs then run analogously, but required new notation names that insert or delete the code m; various art names have been in use since the 17th century:

Figure 4 syllogism Nickname English tradition
AxB, ByC → CzA AaB, BaC → CiA B a m ali p B ra m anti p
AaB, BeC → CeA C ale m e s C a m ene s
AiB, BaC → CiA D i m ati s D i m ari s
AeB, BaC → CoA F e s a p o F e s a p o
AeB, BiC → CoA F re s i s on F re s i s on

Followers of Aristotle completed the list of 19 Aristotelian syllogisms to include all 24 possible syllogisms. In Aristotle they added missing subalternations of the syllogisms Barbara, Celarent, Camestres, Cesare, Calemes, which have been referred to with modified names since the 16th century, but which do not encode the evidence by subalternation (ps or cps):

figure syllogism Nickname Proof code
Figure 1 BaA, CaB → CiA Barbari Barbara ps
BeA, CaB → CoA Celaront Celarent cps
Figure 2 AeB, CaB → CoA Cesaro Cesare cps
AaB, CeB → CoA Camestros Cambestres cps
Figure 4 AaB, BeC → CoA Calemos Calemes cps

Reduced syllogistics

Petrus Hispanus coded only a small part of the logic of Aristotle. He excluded the complicated and controversial modal syllogistics. His code only captures the convincing core of assertoric syllogistics, but by no means everything from it. For example, he ignored all the falsifications with which Aristotle demonstrated using examples that there are no syllogisms with other premises. He also did not code the indirect proofs of Darii and Ferio of Figure 1, which Aristotle later submitted in order to reduce his system of axioms, nor did his indirect proof of the second conversion.

Reduction of the axiom system
BaA, CiB → CiA Darii ex opposito c onclusionis BaA, CeA, CiB Cambestres CeB, CiB contradiction
BeA, CiB → CoA Ferio ex opposito c onclusionis BeA, CaA, CiB Cesare CeB, CiB contradiction
AiB → BiA conversio simplex 2 ex opposito c onclusionis AiB, BeA conversio s implex 1 AiB, AeB contradiction

Even so, Petrus Hispanus achieved sustained success with his coded syllogistics. The derivation of his system was also based on George Boole's mathematical logic with definitions that Leibniz had given 160 years earlier, but not published:

Definitions in Boolean Algebra
universal statements XaY: = X¬Y = 0     XeY: = XY = 0
particular statements XoY: = X¬Y ≠ 0 XiY: = XY ≠ 0
linked statements A, B: = AB A → C: = A = AC

With these definitions, Boole proved the coded rules assuming non-empty terms. This is only necessary for the conversion p and the syllogisms that have been proven with it. If one does not want to forbid empty terms, one must assume non-empty terms in these cases:

Theorem Variants in Boolean Algebra
AaB, A ≠ 0 → BiA p conversio per accidens BaA, CaB, C ≠ 0 → CiA Barbari
BaA, CaB, C ≠ 0 → AiC Baralipton BeA, CaB, C ≠ 0 → CoA Celaront
BaA, CeB, B ≠ 0 → AoC Fapesmo AeB, CaB, C ≠ 0 → CoA Cesaro
BaA, BaC, B ≠ 0 → CiA Darapti AaB, CeB, C ≠ 0 → CoA Camestros
BeA, BaC, B ≠ 0 → CoA Felapto AaB, BeC, C ≠ 0 → CoA Calemos

With slightly modified definitions XaY: = (X¬Y = 0) (X ≠ 0) and XoY: = ¬ (XaY), however, the syllogistics of Aristotle results exactly. So Petrus Hispanus was already translating it into a fairly perfect consistent calculus; In addition, he created his examples consistently in a well-defined model: In an eight-valued Boolean algebra with equality, HUMAN and STONE are set as minimal non-empty terms and, in addition, LIVING BEING = NOT STONE and BEING = 1. This gives the smallest model in which these terms are different and the statements of the syllogism examples are all true. One can also understand all Aristotelian falsifications in this model.

Porphyry tree

In Tractatus II, Chapter 11 of the Summulae logicales, Petrus Hispanus coined the term porphyry tree as the name for the tree that visualized the classification system of Porphyry .


  • Petrus Hispanus: Tractatus = Summulae logicales , ed.LM De Rijk, Assen, 1972.
German translation: Petrus Hispanus: Logical treatises . From the Latin by W. Degen and B. Bapst, Munich 2006, ISBN 3-88405-005-2 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Traditional attribution up to date: W. Degen and B Bapst: Logische Abhandlungen , Munich 2006, foreword.
  2. ^ Ángel d'Ors: Petrus Hispanus OP, Auctor Summularum (I). In: Vivarium . 35, 1 (1997), pp. 21-71. Ángel d'Ors: Petrus Hispanus OP, Auctor Summularum (II): Further documents and problems. In: Vivarium. 39.2 (2001), pp. 209-254. Ángel d'Ors: Petrus Hispanus OP, Auctor Summularum (III). "Petrus Alfonsi" or "Petrus Ferrandi"? In: Vivarium. 41,2 (2004), pp. 249-303.
  3. ↑ In addition the well-founded bibliography: Paul Moore: Iter Psellianum. Toronto 2005, MISC 59.
  4. ^ A b William of Sherwood: Introductiones in logicam III. He does not code the evidence correctly: indirect evidence through B r, which does not match Barbara and Baralipton, and the code word Campestres (= fields) with code p too much (hence Petrus Hispanus Cambestres and the later tradition Camestres as a meaningless word).
  5. ^ Dante: Divina Comedia , Paradiso XII, 134f. German online: [1]
  6. a b c d Petrus Hispanus, Summulae logicales , Tractatus IV 13, memorial poem with original orthography, there in large letters.
  7. ^ Translations according to: Aristoteles: Topik II 1, 108b35ff, Aristoteles: De interpretatione 7, 17b17-212
  8. Aristotle: ( first analysis ) A1, 24a18f
  9. a b Aristotle: A7 29a24-27
  10. a b Petrus Hispanus, Summulae logicales , Tractatus IV 6, IV 8f, IV 11, each verbally described syllogism, example, evidence sketch with arguments (determined from A4-7).
  11. Aristotle: A4 25b37b-26a2, 26a23-28, perfect syllogisms (axioms)
  12. Aristotle: A5 27a5-39
  13. Aristotle: A6 28a17-35
  14. Aristotle: A4, 25b32ff.
  15. Aristotle: A2, 25a15-22.
  16. Seldom explicitly mentioned, for example: Aristoteles: B4, 57a17 μετάθεσις.
  17. Summule logicales IV. 9
  18. Aristotle: B14, 62b29-35.
  19. Summule logicales I 12, I eighteenth
  20. Apuleius: Peri Hermeneias. In: C. Moreschini (ed.): De Philosophia libri. Stuttgart / Leipzig 1991, pp. 189–215, p. 213 refers to three primary and two secondary subalternations of Ariston of Alexandria, a peripatetic of 1./2. Century whose writings are lost.
  21. The oldest source is likely to be: Alexander Achillini: De potestate syllogismis , Edition 1545, p. 155 [2]
  22. A8-22 (14 chapters).
  23. Aristotle: A2, 25a20f indirect proof of the 2nd conversio simplex. A7, 29b9-14 proof from Darii and Ferio.
  24. ^ George Boole: The mathematical Analysis of Logic , 1847; P. 31 mnemonic verses (English tradition) [3] ; S. 20f Definitions: ¬x: = 1-x, a as x (1-y) = 0, e as xy = 0, i as v = xy, o as v = x (1-y) with variables for element-containing Classes according to p. 15 (v can be eliminated with v ≠ 0). Linked statements: p. 51 conjunction as xy, p. 54 (36) implication x (1-y) = 0 with reference to p. 21 (4) with the equivalent formula xy = x (table).
  25. Leibniz: Generales Inquisitiones , 1686, edited 1903: §151 categorical statements with 'est res' for ≠ 0 and 'non est res' for = 0; §198,6 sets the implication synonymously to 'A continet B', which §16 / §83 defines as A = AB.
  26. ^ George Boole: The mathematical Analysis of Logic : p. 15 element-containing classes; P. 26ff simple conversion (s), conversion per accidens (p); P. 34 Barbara (B), Celarent (C), Exchange of Premises (m); the equivalence of the implication formulas (previous footnote) is the indirect proof (c).