Boy Scout Association South

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The Boy Scout Association South (PBS) is a German scout association with groups in Baden-Württemberg . The activities of the registered association based in Karlovy Vary and around 1000 members were the cause of extensive public prosecutor investigations in the mid-1990s , including those relating to Holocaust denial ; all subsequent legal proceedings were discontinued or, in one case, ended with the accused being acquitted .


The Boy Scout Association South emerged in 1970 from the state mark of North Baden of the Federation of German Scouts (BDP), which he left because of the internal change process perceived as a "transformation into a left-wing socialist to communist youth association". Together with other groups that had left the BDP, the Scout Association South founded the German Scout Association in the same year .

The Boy Scout Association South left this umbrella organization in 1981 after “discrepancies about the fundamentals and the course of the association”. At the same time, a local group left the association and joined the ring of young associations in Baden-Württemberg . Six other groups resigned in 1988/89; As reasons they named among other things the increasing polarization in general political issues (abortion, military strategies ( SDI ), evaluation of recent German history) since 1985 , (d) the increasing influence of the federal leadership in the tribes against the will of the tribal leaders via courses and seminars to support for split-offs, questions of style and dealing with social influences (clothing, music, colored hair, pigtails and earrings for men, smoking, alcohol (and the emergence of esoteric topics (world conspiracy theories, supernatural perceptions) With the exception of one group that joined the Association of Scouts and Scouts , these groups became members of the Scouting Association of Southern Germany .

On April 19, published in 1995, the Mosbacher News , a regional edition of the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung , under the headline "The march adventurous children in the dependency" a two-page article about the Scout Association South, where this has been accused of political right to be oriented , cult-like to have character and to systematically deprive children and young people of the family home. Examples included the attempts of a 15-year-old girl to have custody transferred from her biological parents to a family close to the Boy Scout Association South, as well as regulations issued by the association on clothing outside of the club's events, on leisure activities and on contacts with others Youth groups. There were other reports in the ARD program Panorama . There had already been allegations that the club would organize " military sport-like events".

Following this publication, the Mosbach public prosecutor initiated investigations into suspicion of the formation of a criminal organization and sedition . During house searches of seven leading members, copies of the “ Leuchter Report ” were found “along with other“ right-wing extremist and seditious writings ” . The public prosecutor's office examined whether these materials were used in the training of group leaders. The allegation of the formation of a criminal organization was dropped after a short time and the investigation into incitement to hatred was expanded to a total of nine people. In parallel to the public prosecutor's investigations, the state funding of the association was checked.

The proceedings against eight of the nine accused were dropped. In the ninth case, the manager of the Boy Scout Association South was acquitted on May 8, 1997, because the denial of the Holocaust that he was accused of could not be clearly assigned to (a) timed event of the PBS and therefore a statute of limitations could not be ruled out.

During the investigation, the organizations in the Ring of German Scout Associations and in the Ring of German Scout Associations distanced themselves from the Boy Scout Association South and stated that the activities accused of the Boy Scout Association South “did (not) agree with the principles of the international Boy Scout Movement (...)”. The southern legion scout association, which is also active in Baden-Württemberg, changed its name to Horizons scout association in 1999 because of the ongoing risk of confusion and the negative external impact it created .


In 2013, the Boy Scout Association South was divided into five local groups, known as tribes , which are mainly located in North Baden .

Its members are internally divided into the three age groups of wolves , scouts and rover .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b History of the Boy Scout Association South. Scout Association South, accessed February 1, 2013 .
  2. ^ History. Antares Scouts Association, accessed February 6, 2009 .
  3. ^ History of the Scouting Society in Southern Germany. Scouting South Germany, accessed on October 10, 2014 .
  4. a b c d Ulrike Wolff: A scout association makes the headlines! In: On a new path . tape 4/1995 , ISSN  1615-2441 , p. 20/21 .
  5. Panorama of May 4, 1995: Scout Association South - A brown sect? ARD, accessed on September 3, 2014 .
  6. a b State subsidies for right-wing games . In: Der Spiegel . No. 21 , 1995, p. 18 ( online - February 6, 2009 ).
  7. Thomas Braun: Pathfinder: Criminal Association? In: Focus . tape 19/1995 , ISSN  0943-7576 ( online [accessed February 6, 2009]).
  8. ^ Herbert Swoboda: Authoritarian structures and sect-like behavior using the example of youth groups . In: brains . tape 2 + 3/97 , p. 33–37 ( online (PDF; 1.5 MB) [accessed on February 6, 2009]).
  9. Ulrike R. Kreutzer: Pathfinder on the wrong track . In: look to the right . tape 13/1997 ( online [accessed March 18, 2010]).
  10. ^ History of the Boy Scout Association Horizonte. Scout Association Horizonte, accessed February 6, 2009 .