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Rennegraben (obsolete)
Pfingstwiesengraben near the source

Pfingstwiesengraben near the source

location Magdeburg , Saxony-Anhalt , Germany
River system Elbe
Drain over Elbe  → North Sea
source south of the Volkspark Westerhüsen
52 ° 3 ′ 0 ″  N , 11 ° 40 ′ 20 ″  E
muzzle in the Elbe coordinates: 52 ° 3 '10 "  N , 11 ° 41' 17"  E 52 ° 3 '10 "  N , 11 ° 41' 17"  E

length 1.5 km

The Pfingstwiesengraben is a watercourse in the Magdeburg district of Westerhüsen .


It rises from a piped spring south of the Volkspark Westerhüsen , immediately north of the settlement on the street In der Mittelwiese, which is also known as Willis Hof . The source area designated as a biotope is located in the parcel with the field name Pfingstwiese . The name is said to be derived from the original use of the area for Whitsun celebrations. The Westerhüser wood, which was completely cut down in the course of the 18th century, was located in this area .

The Pfingstwiesengraben, which in the past as Renne ditch was called, runs in an easterly direction and is from the Holsteiner road and later the Magdeburg-Leipzig Railway and the highway Magdeburg (Elbe) crossed. After a total of about 1.5 kilometers, the ditch flows into the Elbe . The Pötritz desert is located south of the estuary .

At times, larger sections of the watercourse were piped. The piping was removed in the early 21st century.

Individual evidence

  1. Otto Dieckmann, Das Westerhüser Gehölz in Evangelisches Gemeindeblatt Magdeburg-Westerhüsen, between 1924 and 1942