Care fund
The care funds in Germany to support the long-term care . They are set up by the health insurance companies . This also applies to the miners' union and the agricultural health insurance .
Legal form and organization
Like the statutory health insurance funds, the long-term care insurance funds are legally competent public corporations . The nursing care funds are also organized according to the principle of self-administration , whereby the self-governing bodies of the respective health insurance funds also take on the tasks of the bodies of the long-term care funds by way of organ lending . The employees of the long-term care insurance funds are employees of the health insurance funds. The long-term care insurance reimburses the health insurance company for the costs incurred in running the business; the administrative costs are proportionally balanced between the two institutions. This also applies to the costs for the medical service of the health insurance , which is also active for the long-term care insurance .
One of the core tasks of the MDK is to prepare care reports and to assess the supply of care aids .
Tasks of the care funds
The long-term care insurance funds have a number of statutory tasks to perform. These can be found in the Eleventh Book of the Social Code , in which the issues of social long-term care insurance are regulated.
- They provide long-term care insurance services for their insured persons. This includes benefits in kind and in cash as well as services. They have to coordinate the nursing care of the insured and constantly monitor the effectiveness and profitability of their services.
- The care funds are required to conduct training and care courses for caregivers .
- Under certain legal requirements, the long-term care insurance funds pay pension insurance contributions for non-employed caregivers.
- The long-term care insurance funds must keep a register of insured persons and compile certain statistics.
- They must collect the contributions to which they are entitled, manage their financial resources and be accountable for them.
- In cooperation with the health and pension insurance providers, the long-term care insurance funds are required to avoid the need for long-term care through prevention , treatment and rehabilitation measures .
- The long-term care insurance funds are obliged to inform and advise their insured persons about the benefits to which they are entitled.
- It is also the task of the long-term care insurance fund to conclude contracts with the providers of long-term care services ( long-term care benefits in kind ).