Social security agencies

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Social insurance carriers are institutions and bodies that provide social security benefits on the basis of an insurance relationship. They include, among other things, statutory pension insurance , health insurance companies and professional associations .

Organization in Germany

In the Federal Republic of Germany , the social service providers are not state institutions, but legally independent and largely independent bodies under public law with self-administration . Their organization and constitution are regulated in Sections 29 to 90a [provider / database missing], fourth book of the Social Code (SGB IV).


As a rule, there are three organs in the social insurance institutions : a full-time managing director who manages the day-to-day administration, a board of several people who represents the social insurance institution externally, and the supreme body, the so-called representative assembly , which elects the board and the managing director , determines the budget and adopts the statutes . The board of directors and the representative assembly are referred to as self-governing bodies . They are filled with volunteers .

There are special regulations for the health insurance companies: Instead of a managing director, they have a full-time executive board consisting of up to three people. The only self-governing body of the health insurance funds is the administrative board .

Legally, the organs have the status of authorities .


Social security agencies have members . This distinguishes them from institutions and foundations under public law and from state authorities.

The members are obliged to pay the contribution levied by the social security agency in order to finance its tasks (example: health insurance contribution). Often the members are also insured with the social security agency. However, this does not necessarily have to be the case: In the employers' liability insurance association, the employers pay the contribution and are therefore members, but the employees are insured.

The members manage the social security agencies themselves (hence self-administration). To do this, they elect the members of the representative assembly or the administrative board in the so-called social elections .


The tasks of the social security agencies are described in the individual books of the Social Security Code, for the health insurance companies, for example, in Book V of the Social Security Code ( SGB ​​V ).

The insurance carriers perform these tasks on their own responsibility, but are bound by the legal requirements. They are forbidden to take on other tasks or to spend their funds on unrelated purposes.

All social security institutions are subject to legal supervision by the state. The supervisory authority for the major federal insurance carriers is the Federal Social Security Office . The smaller state direct social insurance carriers are monitored by state authorities.

In addition, health insurance companies act as a collection point for social security contributions to calculate the contributions to health, long-term care, pension and unemployment insurance as well as the surcharges for continued pay, maternity allowance and insolvency allowance and to collect them from employers and the self-employed .

German social security agencies

The following social insurance institutions exist in Germany:

The Federal Employment Agency is a public corporation with self-administration. The members of the administrative board are appointed by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology . The board of directors is appointed by the German head of state “ because of its closeness to the state ” ( Section 382 SGB ​​III ).

Organization in Austria

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Because of the closeness to the state, all members of the self-government are appointed. An election will not take place. " , Questions and answers on the social elections , Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, accessed on February 25, 2011