Plownose chimeras

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Plownose chimeras
Callorhinchus milii

Callorhinchus milii

Class : Cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes)
Subclass : Holocephali
Superordinate : Holocephalimorpha
Order : Sea cats (Chimaeriformes)
Family : Plownose chimeras
Genre : Plownose chimeras
Scientific name of the  family
Garman , 1901
Scientific name of the  genus
Fleming , 1822

The plownose or elephant nose chimeras ( Callorhinchus ) ( Gr .:, Kallis = beautiful, rhyngchos = snout) are a genus of cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes).


Plownose chimeras are 90 to 125 centimeters long. They are characterized by a flexible skin appendage reminiscent of a ploughshare on their trunk-shaped, elongated snout. The function of the organ is not known, but probably serves to search for food in the soft ground. There the animals prefer to feed on shell-bearing invertebrates such as snails and mussels . Your eyes are small, the lateral line organ closed. In contrast to the other sea ​​cats, plownose chimera have a distinctly heterocerque caudal fin with a distinct ventral lobe.

The egg capsules of the plownose chimera are large, typically 27 × 13 cm.


Plownose chimera live in the southern hemisphere of the earth in the seas around southern South America , South Africa , South Australia and New Zealand . They are not downright deep-sea fish, like the species of the other two sea cat families, but live on the continental shelf to a depth of 180 meters.


There are three known types:

Tribal history

Ischyodus avitus

The genus is known fossil from the Eocene of Antarctica . In addition to the recent genus, four other genera of the Callorhinchidae family are assigned, Brachymylus , Ischyodus ( Jura ), Pachymylus and Edaphodon . The four genera are placed in their own subfamily, the Edaphodontinae.

Hazardous situation

All three species of the genus plownose chimera are included in the Red List of Endangered Species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature ( IUCN ). They are currently assessed as Least Concern .


Individual evidence

  1. EE Di Giacomo and MR Perier (1996): "Feeding habits of cockfish, Callorhinchus callorhynchus (Holocephali: Callorhynchidae), in Patagonian waters (Argentina)". Marine and Freshwater Research 47 (6) 801-808 . Abstract
  2. ITIS report online query for Callorhinchus. Integrated Taxonomy Information System, accessed March 6, 2010 .
  3. Callorhinchus in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2009. Accessed March 6, 2010.

Web links

Commons : Plownose Chimera  - collection of images, videos and audio files