Martin Lupáč

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Martin Lupáč (also Martinus Lupacius from Chrudim and Martin z Chrudimě ; * 14th century , † April 20, 1468 in Prague ) was a Czech theologian of the Hussite reform movement .


Lupáč studied at the Artistic Faculty of Charles University in Prague , was a pupil of Jakobellus von Mies , achieved the degree of master's degree in 1416 and worked from 1421 to 1452 as a preacher of the Utraquists in Chrudim . In 1433, together with Andreas Prokop and Wilhelm Kostka von Postupitz , he took part in the Council of Basel three times as an envoy of the Hussites , at which he presented and defended the demands of the Four Prague Articles together with Jan Rokycana , Nikolaus von Pelgrims , Peter Payne and Ulrich von Znaim . In 1434 he again represented their interests and then asked the parties to recognize both forms of the doctrine of the faith. Further negotiations with King Sigismund in Regensburg and in 1435 in Brno followed.

On October 21, 1435 Lupáč was elected suffragan of the elected but not recognized Archbishop Jan Rokycana . With this he defended the interests of the Utraquists against the Roman Catholic Church, also in 1436 at the "Jihlava Council", in which they proclaimed a compact and recognized King Sigismund as King of Bohemia . In the meantime he also worked as a preacher in Chrudim. In 1452 he appeared again in the town of Klatovy when he mediated between the archbishop and the Taborites . After the proclamation of the "Unity of Kunwald" he confessed to the unity of the Bohemian Brethren , but remained an utraquist clergyman until his death. With his apparently rich but poorly preserved literary work, he was one of the most important theorists of Hussitism.

Notes on his ideas about the Reformation

Even as a student, Lupáč protested in 1412 against the Pope and the sale of indulgences by the Roman Catholic Church. As a representative of the Prague side of the reform movement, he was initially a proponent of radical demands, but later turned to the moderate Taborites . He is considered an excellent polemicist of his time and was a member of the council of the Unity of the Bohemian Brethren.


His works, written in Czech and Latin at the time, dealt with questions of religion , the doctrine of the lay chalice , the compact at the Council of Basel , with questions about celibacy and the burgeoning witchcraft .

  • Directory in PB Mag.Schletz (1971)
  • Contra papam
  • Epistola ad Nicolaum Cusanum (concerns: Nikolaus von Kues )
  • Contra sex adversarios
  • Super responso Pii pape (1462)


  • Heribert Sturm : Biographical lexicon on the history of the Bohemian countries. Published on behalf of the Collegium Carolinum (Institute) . Vol. II, R. Oldenbourg, Munich 1984, ISBN 3-486-52551-4 , p. 520, with further literature in Czech-language lexicons.
  • Handbook of the History of the Bohemian Lands (HdBG). Vol. 1-4 (1967-1974).
  • Anna Císařová-Kolářová: Martin Lupáč. Hádání o compactátech. Prague 1953.
  • Ze zpráv a kronik doby husitské. Prague 1981.

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