Ulrich of Znaim

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Ulrich von Znaim ( Oldřich ze Znojma in Czech ) († after 1433 ), was a Czech priest and reformer.

He was one of the leading figures in the Hussite movement . The pastor of Tschaslau was chosen by the East Bohemian orphans as a representative and advocate of Reformation doctrine and sent to the Council of Basel as defender of doctrine . He performed with Jan Rokycana , who defended the doctrine of the Lord's Supper , the Taborite Bishop Nicholas of Pelgrims , who dealt with the punishment of sins, and the Oxford University Master Peter Payne called Engliš, who advocated the prohibition of secular rule of the Church began. His opponent in the council was the German Dominican and inquisitor Heinrich Kalteisen . Ulrich could with his spirited speech in which he sermons of Master Jan Hus used to this, even in the Council of Constance could not say, do not prevail. In all emotionally charged disputes , the representative of the orphans should appear well considered and highly competent. However, after the Council of Basel, his name disappeared from the annals of Bohemian history.


  • Deník Petra Žateckého [Peter von Saaz's Diary], Prague 1953

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