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Beewolf (Philanthus triangulum)

Beewolf ( Philanthus triangulum )

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera)
Subordination : Waist Wasps (Apocrita)
without rank: Digger wasps (Spheciformes)
Family : Crabronidae
Subfamily : Philanthinae
Scientific name
Latreille , 1802
Bienenjagende node wasp ( Cerceris rybyensis )

Philanthinae is a subfamily of the Crabronidae within the digger wasps (Spheciformes), which includes around 1100 species worldwide. According to Pulawski (2009) it comprises 8 genera in four tribes. In Europe, the subfamily is represented in three genera with 59 species. The subfamily includes the genus Cerceris, the most species-rich genus of the Crabronidae, which includes about two thirds of the species of the Philanthinae.


The mostly medium-sized digger wasps usually have a black base color with yellow or white markings, which in particular often include bands on the abdomen. The frontal plate ( clypeus ) ends in three lobes, of which the side lobes in the males are densely hairy like fringes or brushes.

Way of life

The nests are created in the ground and provided with hymenoptera , especially bees and wasps and also beetles.


All currently recognized recent subtaxa down to genus and European species are listed below:

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Manfred Blösch: The digger wasps in Germany: way of life, behavior, distribution . 1st edition. Goecke & Evers, 2000, ISBN 3-931374-26-2 , pp. 403 .
  2. a b Wojciech J. Pulawski: Family group names and classification , version May 22, 2009, online (PDF file; 110 kB), last accessed July 5, 2010
  3. Philanthinae. Fauna Europaea, accessed July 5, 2010 .


  • Manfred Blösch: The digger wasps in Germany: way of life, behavior, distribution . 1st edition. Goecke & Evers, 2000, ISBN 3-931374-26-2 .