Philip Graham

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Philip Graham ( July 18, 1915 - August 3, 1963 ) was an American publisher and media tsar.


As editor of the Law Review , he married Katharine Graham in 1940 , turned to the Army Air Corps in 1942 and worked for William Donovan and Al McCormick , among others . In 1946 he became associate editor of the Washington Post . The circles in which he moved became known as the Georgetown Set . As a supporter of the Democrats , he tried to build up Lyndon B. Johnson as president from 1953 . During the Kennedy era, Graham provided influential positions to many of his old friends. His close ties to the CIA also had an impact on media design in the United States . He took control of the television stations WTOP and WJXT, Newsweek , Art News and Portfolio - here, too, his old connection with McCormick was helpful. Graham, with a manic-depressive illness, took his own life with a gun.