Philip J. Crowley

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Philip J. Crowley (born July 28, 1951 in Brockton , Massachusetts ) is a retired American government official. From 2009 to 2011 he was the spokesman for US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton .

Philip Crowley


Crowley worked for the US Air Force for 26 years. In 1999 he retired from military service. On 26 May 2009, he was President Barack Obama to Secretary of State for Public Relations ( Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs appointed). In 2011 Crowley criticized the Department of Defense on a panel discussion and described the circumstances of the detention of alleged WikiLeaks informant Bradley Manning as "ridiculous, counterproductive and stupid". "Given the impact of my statements, for which I take full responsibility," said Crowley on March 13, 2011, his resignation as spokesman for the US State Department .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Clinton's spokesman resigns" , , March 13, 2011.