Philipp Hotz

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Philipp Hotz (born August 7, 1884 in Fränkisch-Crumbach ; † March 14, 1955 ) was a German construction technician and painter .

Since 1907 he worked as a civil engineer in the municipal building department of the city of Worms . He was involved in numerous building projects in the city such as B. the Sparkasse, then working for the building police. From 1916 to 1934 he was responsible for the municipal theater and festival hall , where he was the technical director and worked as a set designer . In 1950 he received the title of superstructure inspector. He also designed the striking gable facade made of local sandstone with its protruding corner tower of the Lukaskirche in Worms (1950).

His son was the Protestant pastor and art historian Walter Hotz (1912–1996).


  • Otto Böcher : Philipp Hotz (1884–1955). Worms citizens - construction technician - painter . In: Der Wormsgau 14, 1982/86, pp. 141-148.
  • Walter Hotz : Philipp Hotz 1884–1955. A painter from Worms. City, landscape, trees, flowers; for the 100th birthday. Exhibition at the Kunsthaus Heylshof Worms, May 6 - September 2, 1984 . Worms 1984.

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